Journey into Conscious Living with Neal Donald Walsch

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It’s time to Change Humanity’s Future!
The “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative is a Global Undertaking to Create a Sustainable and Flourishing Planet. Learn more here:
In the Conversations with God series of books by Neale Donald Walsch, God makes it clear that if we want to create a sustainable and flourishing world, now is the time to act.
Read on to see if God’s plan resonates for you. If it does, we invite you to join us in Changing Humanity’s Future and being part of the solution.
Will you join us and help usher in a new way of living on the Earth? We believe we can change humanity’s future by elevating conscious living as the most productive way of inhabiting the Earth. When we are conscious, we live in an awakened state. It is transformational. We experience being part of something sacred and larger than ourselves. We create fulfilling lives. And when we do this together, we manifest a sustainable and flourishing planet.
The Conversations with God nine-book series inspired this initiative. Here is one of many quotes that caused us to go to work:
“This is the most important matter facing the human race if you truly want to take advantage of this being the Perfect Time for Advancement within your species, allowing it to continue to exist in a wonderful and pleasant version of physicality.” —Conversations with God, Book 4, Awaken the Species
Please join us and together we will Change Humanity’s Future:

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