Kabbalah, Science, and Spirituality with Vernon Neppe

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Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, refers to himself as a Dimensional Biopsychophysicist. He is a neuropsychiatrist and head of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. He is author, with physicist Edward Close, of Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works. He is also author of Déjà Vu Revisited, Déjà Vu: A Second Look, Déjà Vu: Glossary and Library, Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope, and Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy. His professional publications number over 700. Dr Neppe has amplified many of his concepts in two of the websites linked with his work. On www.Brainvoyage.com, his books are amplified. www.VernonNeppe.org is his gateway and includes more information on the Neppe-Close model of the Triadic Distinction Vortical Paradigm.

Here, he describes how the mystical Hebrew Kabbalah bears an uncanny resemblance to the metaparadigm he has developed with his partner, physicist Edward R. Close. He notes that both approaches suggest a mathematical structure underlying the known universe. Both approaches contain dimensions of consciousness. Both address the relationship between the finite and the infinite.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.

(Recorded on April 29, 2018)

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Charles Johnson says:

This video series is bound to have a profound impact on the world.

le gato says:

Kether the Crown, the Light of Consciousness is called rashith ha-galgalim, the Beginning of the Whirlings (vortices)!

le gato says:

There are Three Different Souls in Qabalah, Nefesh NPhSH, the animal soul sometimes called the vital soul. Next the Ruach (RVCh) associated with the Egoic Creative Plane or Briatic Olam, the higher humanized truly a 'Human Being' soul. Ruach means Life Breath. Lastly the Divine Soul called Neshamah associated with the third Sephirah Binah, in the Divine Triad.


Find as way this is not it! I ching is all about timing so is Carlos Castaneda, the union of mind and nature in a non linear fashion!


too intellectual, we need an electrical discharge that creates ecstasy and intimacy! Too much left brain sorry

aphysique says:

Tdvp …Could his theory or hypothesis incorporate any theme & or theme's of Alchemy or it's subject content?

John Paul says:

Way over my head.
But he's a very likable and interesting person.


God Bless you Vernon and Jeffery!

aphysique says:

What an outstanding balance…A brilliant dance of Dialogue with Vern n some of my favorite subject matter! Dr Mishlove always out doing yourself! Thanks for the great content as always!!👁️👌🙏👏

Super Sleuth says:

It's wonderful to hear thoughts and ideas about consciousness & space time covered outside of the realm of physics and the aerospace industry. This is on track with my spiritual beliefs and just how much the ancients truly understood. It helps explain a spontaneous healing in 2013 which occured during deep meditation/prayer. But, I also had two UFO sightings (huge) in 2017 while in the same meditative state. It all seems to relate to certain states of consciousness, particularly gratitude, joy, appreciation, ect. The part regarding vorticis is something I've been contemplating for some time as well. At the moment, Im looking into the EM fields created by the heart and the vorticis created in the blood as it circulates through the chambers. Twirling Sufi dancers, spiraling DNA, toroid fields.. More on this, please!

Lee Gee says:

I always wonder if Vernon is independently wealthy….

Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna says:

I am very impressed by this interview by Prof. Vernon Neppe. The new theory of these two scientists in my opinion is a breakthrough in the current science. All new scientific discoveries start with sharp observations of a rare phenomenon by persons who are unbiased and very open minded. Whether it was Newton who observed an apple falling from a tree and developed the idea of gravitation or Archimedes's observation about weight loss while taking a bath or discovery of a new virus among many known ones or a new galaxy among many existing ones. Any rare phenomenon should not be ignored, because that only provides new concepts and ideas and a major change in the perspective of the current masses. Till now very few attempts were made to develop a unified model to explain parapsychic processes which are now well established (although they are rare) with the modern science including biology, physics and mathematics and even philosophy. This is a breakthrough in the modern science as consciousness is also explicitly included in the TDVP model. Incidentally their model of TDVP remarkably resembles several concept of Jainism, an old philosophy which is already known as one of the most scientific philosophy. I have found around 20 topics from TDVP which resembles those of Jainism. Hence there is a need to explore the TDVP model more rigorously and look for many applications of it in explaining several mystic and spiritual phenomena which are till now ignored by hard core scientific methodology.

Finally lot of thinks to this channel for bringing out such new ideas to the masses. More such interview are required by experts from widely different fields which are ignored by the general scientific community. This will help in searching for more dimensions of truth not just the truth discovered by the modern science.

Dr. Surendra Singh Pokharna, former scientist from Indian Space Research Organization.

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