Lady Gaga e Dalai Lama

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Lady Gaga e Dalai Lama

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cela mart says:

THATS WHY i no belivied in this FAKE DALAI LAMA.. he is good friends of Bush family.. and of course work with the Sionisms and satanics gruops.. and now with the Satanic "slave" Lady gaga.. is very sad how many stupid and blind people
are .. and how so easy to lie them.. but well tats why the worl no go better always go worse.. to how those people manipulate the faith and a stupid people in this world..

Den 87 says:

that's what the "feminism" is doing – dividing.

James Wood says:

Shouldn't the title be "China bans Lady Gaga"?

Daniele Valentino says:

And by the way for Bhuddist there is not evil and Angels, black and white… concept have to be overtaken and accepted

Daniele Valentino says:

She knows Evil very well… Maybe she can also put into her videos all these lovely words instead satanic symbols?

Dawn Meyers says:

Spreag Kindness Not Hate Before It's To Late

Ginah up Up says:

Isso aí. O mau quer separar as pessoas em grupos e fazer um grupo odiar o outro. o q importa é a bondade. Mesmo. Se Jesus estivesse aqui apoiaria oq Gaga disse. 👏👏

James Del Rogers says:

August answers like this could frequently be found in the social movements of pre-Nazi Germany in the year 1938, talk is so cheap but it can turn out expensive , The Tao believe that a man is not good there for he is , only by finding the fals hode and evils in are selves and eliminating them not flowering them up with pretentious social movements , If a man or in this case woman is just not bad that makes him good , these celebrity types have made a career and hundreds of millions of dollars shamelessly promoting themselves with whatever pretentious social agenda they can find, ultimately they are the mouthpiece of altier agendas and evil covetneses that represents the industry they support and are represented by, the Chinese are in ancient culture there are much wiser to this kind of nonsense than we are, all this talk of love but if you look deeper you will find hate and a hidden agenda

Arch Nemesis says:

Very good speech about essential in humans' minds. I respect you, Gaga

turtlelovingzombie says:

very smart hiding the whole jewish satanic plan in plain sight. Oh yes, they are jaded those young smart people but they will soon see

Mensagens da Luz says:

Sigam o nosso canal

josé fernando stefanini says:

This is exactly the anti-christ plan. Unify religions! Parabens lady gaga, will be part of Satan's plans and will be condemned to eternal death on the day of final judgment!
Jesus Christ is coming back, look out for good and good things! God loves us all and wants us eternal life, we only have to accept!

GC Entrevistas says:

dalai says theres no bad or good side, have sides.

Daniel Bull Runner Lamb says:

Gaga looks like my hot neighbor when she's drunk.

Aesir Yeh says:

Is she retarded?

Haiko Roos says:

It all comes down to this simple, strong message by Madonna, a way better and smarter speaker!

Haiko Roos says:

What the fuck is she trying to say???? She's such a dumb no-no!

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