Lao Tzu Biography

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Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu or Laozi 600 B.C. Zhou Dynasty Lao Tzu was the author of the Tao Te Ching. Lao Tzu is considered to be the founder of Taoism. (Daoism)

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@thatguy5054 says:


@biblicus8204 says:

Historicity of Lao-Tzu:

1) Lao-Tzu wrote the Tao-Te-Ching
2) The first extra-Taoist mention of Lao-Tzu appears in the Records of the Great Historian (by Sima Qian)
3) There is an ancient fresco that has several Chinese philosophers, and Lao-Tzu is there
4) Seems to see mentions of him in Confucian texts
5) As Confucius was Taoist, he must have known or mentioned Lao-Tzu.

@robertvong says:

Lao Tzu literally means 'Old Son'. As in: how's it going there me old son 😂

@moonsvc says:

Thank you Seton.

@anandutsav3329 says:

Whatever u said is not truth, truth can never be said.. Lao tze

@vamkhivlauj7132 says:

Lao Tzu could be Hmong or Dai, Yue or maybe Yi people from the state of Chu. Chu at the time was a multi ethnics state. Lao (Lau) mean old in Hmong, Tzu (Txuj) have two connotation in Hmong, it could mean skills or knowledge / Wisdom. Lao Tzu (Lau Txuj) can be translated as Old Wisdom or Ancient Wisdom in my opinion instead of Old Master.

@cocomikes says:

I'm sorry dude, but I think you murdered it….

@rickross5929 says:

shout out to this dudes video because it is pearlicious

@kawings says:

tao te ching  (tao te = ethics) is not a religion. It is a collection of universal book of ethics for all the human in the world not limited to the Chinese. In these troubled modern times only ethics can set apart of being a real human or corrupted person  

@bexmx says:

I am a Christian but still love the teachings and wisdom of Lao tsu.

@Suite_annamite says:

How about you learn about Eastern philosophy and wisdom?

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