Lao Tzu: Honoring the Birth of a Great Sage

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Close – Lao Tzu: Honoring the Birth of a Great Sage (In Chinese). Episode: 1646, Air Date: 18 March 2011. Script 1
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Chinese, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Greetings noble viewers, welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Over two and a half millennia ago, the great enlightened Master Lao Tzu was born in a small village in the Chu State, near the present-day Luyi County in Henan Province of China. His timeless teachings are expounded in “Tao Te Ching,” the key scripture of Taoism.

To celebrate this auspicious day in history, let us enjoy a few folk stories of Lao Tzu and excerpts of “Tao Te Ching” to have a glimpse of his wisdom and eloquence.

When he was just a child, Lao Tzu was already distinguished for his sharp mind,

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