Lao Tzu – How To Let Go (Taoism)

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Lao Tzu – How To Let Go (Taoism)

In this video we will be talking about how to let go from the philosophy of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher who is known to be the founder of Taoism and the writer of Taoism’s most sacred text, the Tao Te Ching.

So with that in mind, here are 6 things we need to let go of and more importantly how we can let them go from the wisdom of Lao Tzu-
01. Letting Go Of The Past
02. Letting Go Of The Future
03. Letting Go Of Someone
04. Letting Go Of The Desire to Rush Things
05. Letting Go Of Excess
06. Letting Go Of Your Ego
We hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope this video, how to let go, from the philosophy of Lao Tzu, will help you to simplify your life.

Taoism is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion. Taoism teaches to embrace wonder and the joy in living gracefully with style. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer who is known to be the founder of Taoism. He is also credited as the writer of Taoism’s most sacred text, the Tao Te Ching and his words can apply to people all over the world.

Research/Writing: Lisa Hentschke

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

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Music – Enchanting Inspirational Music – Royalty Free – This Moment

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Philosophies for Life says:

Lao Tzu says “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like”.

We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.

Echoes of Legends says:

We have a message to you from Lao Tzu :

Bryan Lee says:

beautifully explained. thank you for sharing this with us, you cant imagine how much of a good enlightening experience what you are doing are to others!

Godseed says:

Neo I believe

Ray says:

If it's "dao", then please spell it with a "d", not "t", to avoid confusing your viewers

tzitzi delgado says:

"Every minute not spent with someone who is not right for us is a minute we can invest in ourselves"

Jennifer Farley says:

Thanks. I'm certain I need professional help to let go of the past but I can face the pain. There is NO PAST because the original error has never stopped. Hostage nudity is universally unacceptable, and of a civilian female to create a data sink? I am writing today and letting go of the "destination" and "the future." Being creative is its own reward, really. That is also why The Jennifer Show happened. Please push for justice and the arrest of Michael Bloomberg.

Lucas Amuri says:

Very enlightening.

Christine Martin says:

Way too fatalistic a philosophy–so very Eastern. Give me the Western philosophical approach of applying desire, will, and mental toughness to life. Progress and improvement would be easily impeded with the other approach.

Sam Areej says:

Is Taoism Religion??

Violeta Villaseñor says:

Thank you so much! Made my day! Cheers from Rome!

Caroline G says:

The house comment could have been written about my late mother in law. One day my husband hit his head on a light fitting and I suggested it was a bit low hanging for the low ceiling. My MIL told me she hated the light fitting (it had belonged to her late MIL) but it wasn't worth changing as they were going to move when their finances improved. At that point she had lived with it 10 years – it was still there 10 years later when she died 😢

santi_alex says:

this video is really a gem. soooo full of wisdom. bless you

Tarak Nath Chakraborty says:

Thankyou 🙏
Thankyou 🙏
Thankyou 🙏

C C says:

Thank you!! 🙏🏼

Ian Fenn says:

If you stick to his words……and not your own pet theories it would be much better. This is not the way.,

Bittersweet_Zen says:

I love this, been practicing for awhile now. 🙂

Ghost says:

Nice video really was relaxing.

totorial nota Urjrjrj says:

Old man u let go my space…talk too much…nonsense

Olga Vant Veld says:

Qood advice about letting go but it is still hard

Angelo says:

What if the river is about to go over a waterfall, like in so many cartoons? Is the bottom of a cliff, dashed against the rocks, really where you need to be?

Carter Gregg says:

Great content! This is a life changer,good stuff!!!

Alvin Hang says:

Letting go of your wealth to enrich others.

Eric Soon says:

Garbage culture!!! What can you learn from this third world culture???? When can these bullshit disappear from Youtube????

If he is truly right and smart why millions of spies come to US to steal???

Emily Dickinson says:

TONS need to change in my life for me to be happy again

Emily Dickinson says:

Letting go is hard sometimes but worth while, living in the past is extremely painful and draining.

Let go, embrace a fresh start

12:36 absolutely, letting go makes room for more energy

where time has no value says:

i think the secret to just be happy with what's happening, to have your own secret, hard tunnel path in life. while living in the world with all it's challenges, that you have YOUR path. a secret path that you are ffg, that no one else knows about. that you have your destination, your goal, your mission, and that no matter what is happening, no matter how bad it is getting/gets in the fake world above ground level, you are so deeply involved in your our secret path.

now u have a goal, a mission, a path, a reason to live and work hard to achieve your goal thro' your path.

how to do this is easy.. just ask the universe and she shall deliver

Cathy says:

The taoist Buddhist is my favorite complete and logical.

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