Lao Tzu – How To Love Yourself (Taoism)

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Lao Tzu – How To Love Yourself (Taoism)

In this video we will be talking about how to love yourself from the philosophy of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher who is known to be the founder of Taoism and the writer of Taoism’s most sacred text, the Tao Te Ching.

So with that in mind, here are 5 ways to love yourself from the wisdom of Lao Tzu-
01. Embrace your natural state
02. Let go of self-judgement
03. Live in the present
04. Trust the unfolding of the Tao
05. Cultivate inner stillness
We hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope this video, how to love yourself, from the philosophy of Lao Tzu, will help you .

Taoism is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu which contributed to the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion. Taoism teaches to embrace wonder and the joy in living gracefully with style. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer who is known to be the founder of Taoism. He is also credited as the writer of Taoism’s most sacred text, the Tao Te Ching and his words can apply to people all over the world.

Narration/Audio Editing: Dan Mellins-Cohen

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Music – Enchanting Inspirational Music – Royalty Free – This Moment

This video was sponsored by Brilliant

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Philosophies for Life says:

Lao Tzu says "Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”
We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.

mimi says:

another amazing video ❤

ss1ext says:

I don't think a single quote attributed to lao tzu in this video was actually said by him. 😂

Qi Huna says:

Killing yourself……is your greatest love!!!


PARADOX by Suvivor of the Evil Murder says:


plus one says:

Just wanna say this is the most digestible tao ☯️ cliff notes one can share with skeptical materialists.

Check out "Kototama " chanting as taught by Masahilo Nakozono

Cornelius Dillinger jr says:


Carol says:

🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 ask Radelle what she thought about it?? and the rat shit on my bed?????

Carol says:

You can't live without self love. .. Miserable and hateful manipulation of fearful people definitely does not allow room for any love at all, not even like. If you don't like or respect yourself, who the fuck will like you or respect you… .!💯

nadja jade says:

Is this AI generated?…

没心没肺 says:

Very much knowledge about this
So no need to guide
U lousy in loving women keep wrong methods
Now radio say trauma big and heavy blow takes very long time
I agree
U no good mind and brain don't know
See radio knows
So I no wrong
I am very normal

U too wrong always do bad and wrong things
U keep force me no good
If u good I won't all day force vitcims be always happy

Inner grit says:


Ali Al-Mahdi says:

I am an esteemed psychologist from Yemen, and I once went into the great pyramid of Giza and found a jug of urine that belonged to Pharaoh Ramesses ii, I drank 50ml of it and had strange dreams for a whole week:-

1- This might sound a bit odd and random, but I have actually dreamt of Zeus mating with a palm tree and begetting an ant that is capable of crawling on the edge of the Higgs Boson!

2- I also dreamt of my mitochondria protesting to break free from my organelles, claiming that nature has enslaved them!

3- On another night of a full moon, I dreamt of Professor Noam Chomsky eating books and regurgitating the field of Modern Linguistics!

4- The funniest dream I ever had, was when I had a vision of a Neanderthal swallowing a whole apple, and it played ping-pong with his heart while passing down his esophagus!

5- This is by no means a joke, but the most disgusting dream I ever had, was of a female's menstruation blood turning into jelly and being marketed by an Oompa Loompa as Halloween treats!

6- I also had a nightmare of riding on a mare at night, with the Pharaoh's personal witch, she was pregnant with a fetus that was eating her placenta!

Do you think my dreams have any philosophical implications at all?

I'm just a little concerned that I'm having a neurological malfunction!

Given that I've heard my neurons conspiring to abandon the dwelling of my skull, things don't seem to be heading in the right direction, ever since!

Tyranel says:

Namaste, thank you for this amazing video. Peace be whit all how reads this brothers and sisters

Amal Almanaa says:

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Amal Almanaa says:

Ja klar jeder Mensch liebt sich gerne und diese Liebe kommt zu erst hhhhh unbedingt . Aus eigenem instinktiv bei jedem Menschen .

alaavv1 says:

My English language it's not good but I want say for you I learn so much from your videos and I will be always thankful for you .

貂小雪 says:

Thank you for explaining it.i never actually understood what it actually was.was always thinking it was about looking after yourself via exercise for some stupid reason.ive been told I need to practice self love.i just hope I haven't lost the my love(my woman) because of it and hope it isn't too late🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

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