Lao Tzu Leaving China -Lance Eads

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Verse 1:
The way that can be followed
Is not the way most hallowed.
The way that can be named
Is not one and the same
With the eternal way
Whose name one cannot say.
The name is the origin.
The name is the beginning.

Nature doesn’t hurry,
Yet all still comes to be.
Her web so wisely woven,
So nothing’s lost or stolen,
Catches all for it is wide,
Yet no small thing gets by.
Nature doesn’t hurry,
Yet all still comes to be.

Verse 2:
The Mother of all things:
Ten thousand forms she sings.
Desire shall not sway;
So silent is the way.
Two sided coin, you see,
Appearing differently.
Sameness the mystery–
Mystery in mystery.

Chorus 2x’s

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