Lao Tzu's Life Lessons which are better known in youth to not to Regret in Old Age

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Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. Lao Tzu is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

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Quotes says:

I've Read 20,000 Quotes and Picked The Top 200 Of Them

Rosa Tamayo says:

A lot of these are not from Lao Tze…. But….. Never, mind…. Are nice.

Tajing Tabing says:

Life is a spontaneous change donot resist them let it flow and whichever form it is..

Noxcho Chechen says:

Be always careful around people who gives you bad vibes.

Kevin Tuguinay says:

Watch your all doing

Buddhaneo Siddhananda says:

"What is a bad man… but a good man's job..?"🎉🎉


If u can't do the thing, then everybody can do. If u can do the thing, then nobody can do like you.

– someone😎

Wisdom Quotes says:

"One who conquers others is strong. One who conquers himself is all-powerful." -Lao Tzu

sushant Rajput says:

I am always alone and I don’t have any fear that I don’t have any friends 😊
Because I walk away from “friends “ who I thought that they are real.
When a person don’t need me as a friend, I don’t need them too. Because they are not worth of me. 😅
God always help me to find the new beautiful souls around me. ❤


As an introvert
Being alone is true happiness this is d way of finding your truself,innerpeace,calmness, etc
[No social media,no group of friends,no other any social connection…]

uchiha203 says:

"Death is like a wind, always by my side"

Lord Menace says:

Pfft.. to this day iv never felt love from another person.
Only the animal kingdom has shown me how to love.
And I still dont need it
I will live on no Matter what happens. Such is the ways of life

yen saffa says:

You can learn more from some in a couple of minutes, than some in a life time ✨

xBluefirex1 says:

"You have 1 million dollars, you just didn't steal it yet." Lao Tzu

iAm Happy really... says:

If You Are A Human, Then Be ready to die…

If U drink water, Then Dont forget to swollow it…

Once A man Find love, Then Nobody Can find Him…

If Your Sister is a Female, Then Your Mother must be female too…

If U can Climb the ladder, Then Why dont u climb these nutz?

Me 2023…

SolarCasanova says:

In 2012 we just said YOLO

Shreyan Patil says:

A single but honest friend is better than hundred fake friends

habibullah mohammadi says:

If u do practice your habit it will become your believe

Patientdiseasechronsa says:

if you are depressed you are living in the past….. not if you have a chronic incurable disease that challenges your every moment and thought

Quotes by ZJ says:

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."

emil gomez says:

It is also written on the bible that do not take your own life. If your having thoughts of taking your own life then maybe you are on the wrong side (master). God in Heaven does not want you take your own life.

AnDrew says:

"Politicians, Instagram models, strippers and street walkers belong to the same profession." – Lao Tzu.

Yao Li Ang says:

Taoism is ancient religion very advanced n relevant. It does not have strict religious dogmas regarding what you should or should not do but each individual can reach enlightenment in their own way.

Robert England says:

Lao Tzu's words are very true indeed. Common sense isn't so common anymore.

Quotes Quoting says:

Quotes I need your help.

Kosm!c Bohem!an says:


Arbri Cuthrell says:

Personally, I don't know who let this man cook, but now- THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!

drew says:

New beginnings are disguised as painful endings

drew says:

You are controlled by the one who makes you angry facts

Danial M.S says:

"If you don't eat up your pizza in young age, your pizza ends up eating you in old age."
-Lao Tzu

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