Broken Branches
Date: January 24,2011
I’ve tasted sweet o’hungry lips
And felt thy warm embrace
Though now blinded from my sight
In dreams I know thy grace
Whilst nevermore shall honey sweet
Melt soft against my tongue
It’s locked away in melodies
Of all the songs we’ve sung
So, if I’m cursed to see no more
Beyond these clouds of pain
I’ll stand and face the bitter force
And languish in the rain
As bending heart and broken branch
Trap grief beneath my breast
For deep inside the cardinals cage
The passion’s laid to rest
But, never was a song as sweet
Nor shined on me as bright
As all the windswept lullabies
That whispered in the night
I close my eyes, to feel again
The fire upon my lips
And in the magic of the flight
I still can taste your kiss
So, I’ll not weep for all that’s lost
Or hope to find once more
The passion of our yesteryears
Was swept beyond my shore
Life will bring another day
The sun will rise again
And I’ll not mend my broken dreams
By searching in the sand
I’ve tasted sweet o’hungry lips
My soul still wears the stain
In silence I will walk in strife
Until the heartache wanes
Copyright © 201 Leria Hawkins, All Rights Reserved
Leria Hawkins
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