Let Go of Wanting to Be Attached to Things

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This is a wonderful clip in which Dr. Hawkins talks about the letting go of experiences and the importance of doing the spiritual work to let go of attachments.

This clip is from the October 2002 lecture, “Karma and the Afterlife.”

All lectures are available for viewing through our streaming video service:


@BlueAlgon says:

Thanks 😊

@tripleuno9753 says:

so thankful for this man.

@petya7105 says:

this is so helpful to me as someone with poly addiction (not an addiction to any particular substance, but just an addiction to twiddling with my consciousness with whatever is on hand.) i feel this is an extra, more subtle refinement of the letting go technique, and wish doc had put it in his letting go book.

@PranavTambat5001 says:

Thank you very much Susan ❀

@Someone_wrf says:

I legit thought you were the actor Ian McKellen at first😭

@ghxstkingdomera7011 says:

Words are like oil for the gears in mind

@bookerbooker6317 says:

So wise … gave me Dumbledore vibes πŸ™‚ Thank you Doc

@norycuevas6102 says:

Amen πŸ™πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

@ameer_humood says:

the quality 720 😍

@kotin5725 says:

The idea of "sacrifice" is something that I have avoided.
Now I understand it is needed.

@dougiecrowford2996 says:

Desire leads to fear, and fear leads Desire ❀

@Allan_Ashby says:

Amen πŸ™πŸ’š

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