Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs (Neville Goddard, David Hawkins, James Allen)

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Unwavering Focus (Neville Goddard, Paramahansa Yogananda) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PxWpNVFSKE
Letting Go by David R. Hawkins https://youtu.be/xUttC4XxO9o
Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins https://youtu.be/zBgpwtbiYWA
The Pruning Shears of Revision by Neville Goddard (Study Notes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WF5eBb5Bto
Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl https://youtu.be/rVWWT6d-nbc
Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YXQ_IqKKsk
Go for No! by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz (Insights & Perspectives) https://youtu.be/hvuITbnrwrs
You and Your Forces by Elizabeth Towne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYaILn_poE


Mighty Eli says:

Bro your channel is legendary, because of you I found about about Wallace d wattles and honestly the science of being great is one of my favorite books after the Bible. I also purchased a book with all his work in it, and have been applying what I’m reading , Thanks again, your work is appreciated, happy holidays!!!!💪🏽

Lavern Bond says:

This was an amazing video. Thank you.

Kilian Lindberg A G says:

Resonates, good work 🙏

Marz says:

That was amazing, thank you so much for making this video!

Justareader says:

Without a doubt you/your channel got my attention at the most perfect time, and I haven’t stopped listening since. So I have a confrontation with a provoking incessant chatter box I didn’t like… So the Takeaway is: that’s me and the solution is be more aware of how my words are effecting others emotions and talk less? Because I really don’t wanna be that guy😳

Cosmic Ordering says:

Limiting beliefs can also come from the environment ( through repetition since everyone lives in it and interacts) and the whole system and how it works, this in combination with perception of the world ( how ones sees it) and self-knowledge (self-awareness of capabilities and how universal laws work)
For example, if the environmental – collective consciousness implies, that when someone has money deserves or is capable of having the A or B .
So through interactive repetition in the world the impression of first having and then deserving can be easily impressed as a belief with the known discomfort in situations when money are limited. for a person.
However when being aware of this ( how this is impressed) and how universal laws work and put them into practice, one can remove this belief cause now is self-aware that appears right though it has no power anymore.
The strategy would be to ask questions, finding limiting beliefs i.e. what stops me ? why do I think I do not deserve this or that ? and then imposing through repetition and understanding beliefs that bring self-nurturing, optimism and motivation for development, completely shutting off other beliefs of " collective consiousness" as already understood that they are just an illusion and they do not matter.
It can be tricky wnd challenging as a process but once understood and done every time then it becomes second nature.

Dee De La Mer says:

Thank you for your teaching – I have been listening to Neville Goddard and others for twelve months now but your in depth exposes are expanfing my understanding and giving me something to work with – pure gold!

Dakota Blevins says:

I would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge.

uslivewe says:

We else wants the webcam back?

Anahata Codes Assisting Frequencies says:

We love you so much. So happy for you. For us. For all! Humming a harmonious and never ending tune… ✨

neeraj Singh says:

Hi.. I follow you from India
Can you please make study note on mini habits by Stephen guise

Stacy Rosman says:

Fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing and caring. Warmly, Stacy Rosman
Happy holiday s to all.
With much gratitude,
Stacy Rosman

Diane says:

This is really helpful, I’m watching it a second time thank you x

BjK Productions says:

My gosh bro I just found this channel this is a gold mine I woke up hungry for some knowledge and this popped up 🙏🏾

Fullhouse With 2 mums says:

Are you available on Spotify?

Aplethora ofme says:

Wouldn’t it be best to just think about better beliefs instead of thinking of beliefs that don’t fit.

Click Profil for Skype Call about Christian Faith says:

is he christian? does he belive in eternal damnation for all none christians?

Rich Channel says:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday

Life A Beach says:

Thanks Joseph

William Kuiper says:

I have heard you and others talk about people who enter our lives are always a reflection of our selves, that we attracted them. Correct? Extreme example: You cross paths with a person at the market, she pulls out a gun and places it to the forehead of your loved one and says "do what I say or else". The ending is unimportant, whether you responded or reacted. The question is, are you so sure that all people in our lives are there to reflect ourselves back to us? Is there a chance that there are just some really BAD people in the world who have nothing to do with us what so ever? You decide.

free space says:

Thank you for all the great videos. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Eddie Davis Jr says:

Excellent video! Always such valuable discussions

Brett Palmer says:

Where would I be without this channel?

Not being able to read and understand rare classics, thats where


Nice video sir….. Sir, Did you read the book "Power of now" by Ekhart Tolle ? If yes then, what is your review on it. How to use Law of attraction by being detached of end result ?

John C says:

Is revision re-imagining a desired outcome from a past situation or re-imagining the meaning of the past situation?

Margarita Pecanova says:

My brother: you are not good about anything. My mother: Your brother and you friends always succeed you are not like them.. this two phrases I listen all my life my hardest traumas… And today: You have changed, your behaviuors are incredible what is reason for such change…. Me in my thoughts( get away from limit brains and believes and listen one guy Joseph from youtube)…. Better listen this 3 times a day then be around people with limit believes and brains……

primalmg says:

Another amazing video! They keep getting better! You articulate and express the information so naturally (with ease and authenticity) which allows your message to transfer and resonate with so many!

domenic tersigni says:

again thanks fellow being name Joseph for sharing this other beings works

nick market says:

One love brother thanks

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