Life With Ghosts — LET'S CHAT! #026 | Neale Donald Walsch: "Nothing Ever Really Dies"

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Neale Donald Walsch, celebrated author of Conversations With God and 39 related books, delivers some surprises to the Life With Ghosts Community. Be Warned!

– Gary Langley’s GoFundMe can be found at

– Neale Donald Walsch’s website can be found at

– For more information and to stream Best Documentary Winner LIFE WITH GHOSTS, visit

– Join the Life With Ghosts Facebook Community is at

– Watch Stephen’s TEDx talk, “Talking to the Dead is Doctor-Recommended” at

– After Chat at

00:00 Introduction
05:14 Neil’s Journey
06:30 Chaos and Divinity
09:19 Soul Conversations
12:28 Coping with Loss
20:04 Tragedy and Purpose
28:09 Illusion of Reality
31:11 Experiencing Oneness
37:18 Evolution Insight
40:35 Audience Q&A
50:54 Closing Reflections

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  • Categories: Neal Walsch


@jacquelineTXRealtor says:

I loved the book, I have them all.. Conversations with God’

@amberliseleger900 says:

Finding this video was a true gift . Thank you

@elizabethfoote7664 says:

Dear Gary, sending you so much love! My heart goes out to you for your astounding losses. It's truly admirable that you still showed up after such a recent tragedy. Thank you for continuing of being a part of bringing us so much enlightenment on this path.

@user-if2pt5gc6y says:

Sending blessings to you, Gary! May your blessings multiply beyond your imagination in all ways.
Thank you all for this wonderful video. Divine Love to all. 🙏🏼

@kristypinkerton4398 says:

Hello, My Beloved Life with Ghosts Group. I truly love all of you. I'm not creepy, just lonely. More on that, later. ;}
I, too, missed this episode live. Dear Gary, I'm so, so sorry.
I also want to say that I haven't met such an intelligent, intellectual & compassionate people. Sometimes I'm reminded of days hanging out at the Student Union with my friends discussing Big Questions.
I'm grateful to have found you. (Hmm, or is it the other way around?} ;}
I find all of your stories fascinating. Looking forward to more.
With Honest-to-God gratitude, kristy p.

@carolah8172 says:

Why did those two animals die? Why did the dog especially not get out ? I’m sorry but I can’t get past that

@HealingFromGrief says:

Fantastic interview and "no accident" that Neale was the interviewee just when Gary needed it. And so did all of us! Great work, Stephen! Heartfelt, Irene

@ke6445 says:

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for Gary

@VeronicaDrake says:


@VeronicaDrake says:

Oh Gary.. I am so very sorry my friend.

@LittleB612 says:

I hope when Welsh mentioned about ‘they wouldn’t have done what they did if they knew we are one’, is not referring to the Palestinians, who have been invaded, killed and living under apartheid for 76 years. I struggle when Americans talk about wars in other countries whilst the American government is deeply involved in all of them. 😢 I liked that Walsh mentioned every government think they are the right ones.

@LittleB612 says:

I know Walsh is so humble and kind…
But I don’t agree that God is speak to all of us in the same way He speaks to him. I really wish that !

@LittleB612 says:

Amazing questions !! I love Walsh’s work. Many years ago his books blown my mind. Although I can understand his teachings with my mind, my heart still struggles with my own suffering , including the recent death of son, and the horrors of this world. I want one day with all the forces of my being, to free my mind of suffering, embody the true meaning of this reality and existence.

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