Living Together

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the need for universal responsibility, for the whole of humanity to learn to live happily together.

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Vijendra Rawat says:

What should be done if you're born to the worst parents in the world

Creatif Etudes says:

Poor Dalai, he doesn't know anything about the European union creation. It was a commercial union between the biggest metallurgy companies in europe. No peace and love context. We are all humans but we are all different and that's ok and normal.

Wangjanim Vlogs (album) says:

We need a sense of oness …β€πŸ’šπŸ’š

Hong Vo says:

Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha

simi Patgiri says:

Live long your holinessπŸ™

Karl Joseph says:


The Meditative Experience says:

Such a simple and powerful message, yet our fragmented mind fails to comprehend and understand this simplicity.

Lahiru Nuwanjeewa says:

How did you change from father to mother? Good morning father

jimmy lama says:


Rallar Fantn says:

the only reason we do not have a fantastic world, is because us fantastic folks right…

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