Manifest the REALITY you want – Neale Donald Walsch(law of attraction)

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@gtsassist6488 says:

It's contruditing its self. If you want it then you ask for it. So if you have to ask then where a you.

@richardventus1875 says:

Follow the Guidelines of Problacism throughout your life and enjoy the ride!

@tarotbyswar369 says:

Where is next part

@matinmohebi3702 says:


@chitchatpodcast4889 says:

I wrote my latest book "How To Change Your Life In 30 Minutes Or Less," but the truth of the matter is your life can change in a heartbeat and all the decisions we make crate our beliefs and reality that is ever present in every moment!

@chrissimpson214 says:

'PromoSM' ๐Ÿ˜ณ

@ultimatetruthseekerschanne2550 says:

Its all about trusting in God. You ask your father, then you feel that his answer is "yes, I approve, it is coming to you" finally, since you know it's coming to you. Feel the joy and satisfaction of already having that thing. Finally give thanks to God for being the best.

@meecee938 says:

I believe it, we call those things which be not as though they were.

@hildahansberry1203 says:

He may not be saying the exact words but what he is saying "speak those things that are not as though they were". I believe the Bible

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