March 2018 – Month of LOVE & SPIRITUALITY. Ancient Astrology Predictions with Trifon & Astrolada

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March 2018 Horoscope with siderial Vedic astrologer Trifon Nikolov.
This Month will be under the influence of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, the 3 Benefics, giving us opportunities for LOVE, Healing, spiritual insights! Find out more!
For a personal reading with Trifon:


Anjali J says:

Thank you so much as always Lada and Trifon. Good luck to Lada for her delivery. I think she will have a wonderful baby. Good to know this is the better month. Venusian energy will hopefully bring love and peace to all for the Spring time. 🙏🏼💕

Judith Sellner says:

Excellent reading, thank you. Good luck baby wise.

Nora Rashiid says:

Trifons readings are extremely accurate! I will stick with him and he was on target for some major life events for me. he has my 100% support! I wish i could bring him here with me in the States 🙂

An H says:

Hi Lada..thanks so much for speaking up and interrupting trifon at points..know it's tough sometimes but many of us have the same questions your asking..also please thank trifon for doing whatever he did on updating his camera and the past..I couldn't get through his videos because it was so tough to hear him..loved this video though

Anna Alv says:

Our birthdays are the 28th of February & March 1st ( partner & i) this video is so intense kind of scary🤣, hope it won't take so much effect on us.😐, we've been through enough♓

crystal Berry says:

23 rd February is powerful spiritual day

Trenayce Talbert says:

Thanks to both of you, but I'm a bit confused about something. I'm an author and my moon is ruled by Mercury, my sun and rising signs are ruled by Venus. Yesterday my book went #1 on Amazon in several different categories, but Mercury was in shadow still. Was my success because of Venus? I'm just wandering what you think of that. Oh, and my book is a Spiritual book, so maybe the energies of the "spiritual fixed stars" were blessing my endeavors. I like listening to you Lada and Trifon and I'm just wandering what you would say about that. It happened on 2/21/2018, the book going to #1 in several countries on Amazon. Thanks for sharing your wonderful knowledge!!

crystal Berry says:

Mercury will appear 26-28th depending upon where you live mercury invisible bad for mercurial things, writers, traders etc. danger in traveling driving on 27-28th because it square mars be careful in traveling or driving argument around this time great information

Ma ab says:

I don't like your comments when you are with Trifon, Lada.  I love your work but I don't know why with this guy you are always kind of nervous or out of touch…just an honest criticism.

Kiki Kiwi says:

I look forward to Trifton forcast every month, he is the best!!!!
Riveted to every word. Thank you so much .

Cooter Pud says:

ha ha… Trifon is such a dry person! He is in contrast to Lada (she is full of life).

Pepe says:

Interesting what you said about the relation between being born on/around a new moon and mother’s death. I am a Sun and Moon ♒️, but not a conjunction, 1 and 27 degrees, but the moon is in the 8th house (sun conj. AC), and so, yes my mother passed away. Everything is written all over in our charts, it is fascinating.

AlteredEgo 0622 says:

Don Lemon's (a CNN news reporter) sister died suddenly on January 31st. In one of your previous reports, you said that journalist would have a difficult time because of Mercury.

RhythmInlet says:

Thank you! I was going to launch our 2 new websites on February 28, I thought it would be cool to launch the day after my 56 birthday… Now I think I will wait until at least March 2! Not only does the energy feel better, but it will feel a little lighter on all of us who are working so diligently toward our launch date! Thank you again!

Trish says:

I adore Trifon….what a brilliant astrologer….I will certainly be saving some money to get a reading and  to buy his webinars.Thank you Lada for bringing him to us ….Thank you Trifon for the time you give us….God Bless you x

Elaine Stewart says:


Magic Grimoire says:

Good news from Trifon, impressively presented as well, but I was wondering why he didn't say anything about the Italian elections on March 4?

Nirvana urvashi says:

You spoke about ‘golden age’! In which age are we currently?

Helen Plass says:

Wow, ancient astrology was super dark. Is it always this much doom and gloom?

Astral Princess says:

In Islam we also follow the Lunar Calendar and the day also begins at sunset, not sunrise. ♡☆

Olivia Richards says:

I love how much love and respect Trifon has for ancient Babylon and Sumer.I am a big fan and believer in ancient traditions too.I actually believe they're the best, most faithful,fated, accurate and pragmatic ones.But what should I do, Trifon or Astrolada if I want to move and also start a job by the end of this month?Just wait to sign the contract at the beginning of March?Thank you. <3 🙂

Sonya Gomez says:

Thank you very much for your reading, Triffon. Very interesting to have the opportunity to listen and heed the advice, much appreciated. Good luck with the childbirth Lada. Don't worry about anything, if baby is born with karmas, baby will have the strength to deal with them. You are a very strong and generous woman, sending you best wishes, healing, love and a swift and easy delivery to a healthy baby, and good health for yourself. Good luck on your new adventure xx

TruthSeekingElf says:

Wonderful reading!! Thank you Trefon and Lada!!

Sonya Knox says:

I can't get enough of Trifon or youv Lada!

Twice says:

Jupiter retro is the time when you have to try harder and if you do your part during that time and don't give up hope, Jupiter comes around with some blessing for the next months of its transit. I wonder how the opposition to Uranus will turn out though. We have lots of new upcoming aspects that we're not used to and since they involved slow-moving planets we first have to experience them to see what they're likely to bring.

Jeannine Mcgowan says:

Thank you Lada and Trifon!! ❤️❤️❤️

Shak ti says:

Lada how do YOU view retrograde Jupiter? I would love to hear. Thank you

Shak ti says:

This is confusing. Mercury will enter Pisces on march 3, yes Ok. But how come Trifon says we will have better communication? Mercury is debilitated in pisces….. what did I miss..

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