Marianne Williamson: On Consciousness, Spirituality, and Politics in America

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Internationally acclaimed spiritual leader, Marianne Williamson, shares her insight on the creation of a beloved community through the use of political and ethical externalization.

This lecture was delivered at Harvard Divinity School on October 14, 2015.

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Scott Bridges says:

she is fucking brilliant!!!!!

Maria Cervantes says:

Marianne Williamson is a true ANGEL…….. Thank God, we have people like you…..

Summondadrummin says:

The "Aristocratic condition" was formalized in the U.S. by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The institutional structure of 'The Fed' is based onThe Bank of England and both Banks appear in name to be public institutions but behind the appearances are private institutions~therein is a key deception to how the Oligarchy has established its dominance over the Government of the People. Alan Greenspan telling us so clearly on PBS ' that no other institution of the government can overrule the actions of the Fed'. Check out the Group~ Positive Money and the American Monetary Institute.

Karl O says:

As an American in Germany I totally agree with her that the Germans have shown the world how to truly make amends for past wrongs. One result I notice is the lack of violence here. People don't prey on each other. You can have a few words of disagreement and it doesn't escolate. If America made amends for its terrible actions in the past – slavery and genocide of native americans – it would such a different place.

Seagull B says:

Why is she not running for office ?

Seagull B says:

A role model for all intelligent compassionate women! she does America proud!

das255 says:

Very pedestrian version of history (it was much more sinister than she describes), but I agree with her general views

das255 says:

She didn't mention that democracy of the US was highly influenced by the 6 nations (AKA Iroquois) democracy of the Native Americans. Most people don't know that and it kills me

Kathie Belle says:

Bernie supporter…typical!

Clara Chen says:

America started with violence and hopefully will not end in violence. I am surprised at Marianne so narrowly confined the "forefathers" as only whites and their consciousness. If you count a country as only man-made system and brute force, at best you could call them our "early immigrants". Slavery was abolished as early as 1080 by William the Conqueror, more than 8 centuries than the American Civil War. And democracy was practiced in ancient Greece 507 BC. Errors made when arbitrarily attribute regal human spirits to "country". We are individual spirits yet indivisible ONE. When Greed, Gluttony,Brutality, Pride, Sloth, Lust are the dominant themes of our society, history will repeat itself. We have to start fading out the differences in colors, races,or religions, being offenders or victims. Instead transcend and honor the lights in Humanity! After all, we have the greatest challenges yet the most potentials to still be the pioneers in human spirit! To future pioneers of humanity, not being trapped and identified cages like a humming bird!

Eva Betts says:

She is in error when she has stated in the past that there is no devil.

Aaron Bourbonnais says:

Pagan holidays against the only American unto globe has been only I am as one "Does Capitalism hinder the progress of technology?" treasurer a full hardback known as 1776 given than less wholeness.

Vanda Guzman says:

Wow, Thank you. I am American but live in Germany for more then 20 years . You are so correct. Germans have paid up and continue to pay up. So many refugees are here now. They are being taken care. We all help & support. I am a singer, we all do concerts. In Germany we are more Family. I hurt so from the living on the surface U.S.continue to do it unashamedly.God help us all. Love & Thanks so much. I will listen again & again. Vanda

Karma Kali says:

When someone calls me out as being 'idealistic' I Know that they are part of the problem. Is it incredibly brave in this day and age to be transparent across the board? Abso-fucking-lutely! But contributing to the status quo or 'the way things are' is cowardly and destructive.

Here's some perspective and this is coming from a twenty nine year young woman who is experiencing life as a mixed woman of color who gets mistaken for Mexican. I fucking hate the state of the world. The non stop noise of planes, cars, trucks and  machines. The seemingly endless fear marathon. Actually I could go on and on but my focus today is people. Especially since people are causing the majority of problems.

Most women I see day to day are miserable, sexually repressed, sick and obese. I am not exaggerating. Sometimes I don't even want to go grocery shopping because it is too painful.  Women are not happy and mostly are miserable. The ones who have a semblance of happiness are often medicated (yes, one out of four American women, young and old, are on psychosomatic drugs), faking it, or have altogether given up on being a woman and have adopted very masculine attributes and tend to belittle other women for being, well, women. I have noticed two main personality traits. The first is bitter, cynical and jaded and the second is fretting, self denying, always worried about appeasing everyone and maintaining the status quo. I do not know one genuinely happy, whole woman who loves and respects herself and other women. This matters to me very much because I am literally friendless when it comes to women and that hurts…a lot. I love other women and I have wanted deeper connection with women since I was a young girl with little sisters. I have tried and worked to forge authentic relationships with other women just to be taken for granted, betrayed, judged, ignored and the like. Now before you assume or accuse that there is something wrong with me, allow me to be crystal clear. I do not steal, gossip, judge (there is a vivid difference between judging/ condemning and calling a spade a spade, I do the latter), lie, nor do I act fake, or stuck up. I am not a bore, stick in the mud, or a flake and I don't have habits like smoking, drugs, junk food or excessive drinking. I am also not religious but I am well versed in many spiritual paths and embody the ones I resonate with most. I am incredibly humble (there is a difference between true humility and false modesty, feel free to ask me to elaborate). I am open minded, reliable, spontaneous, open to adventure, sexually exploratory, health/ wellness orientated, committed to growth as well as personal and collective evolution. I am a Mother, a very good mother at that, however, I do not allow that sole aspect to define me nor do I use my children as an excuse to be unavailable. Yes, having children makes my time feel much more valuable than it has ever felt before, but I am completely willing to make time for the right person/people. So yes, I search myself, dig deep in introspection and it isn't me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I am as close to perfect as it gets. Furthermore I have passed the place of lowering my standards just to say I have a friend or friends. I have bent over backwards every which way and came back to myself vowing to never disown or betray myself, ever.

Now that I have established that I hate the state of the world, what women have become and why that concerns me on a basic personal level as a perfect women without friends, I also want to point out that men, while generally happier than women, are not that happy either. The majority of men I have spoken to live a double life. There is the guy that their family sees and then there is a wounded animal, desperate to be nurtured and acknowledged but terrified of being found out. Because humans prefer industry and technology to simple joys and natural living, men are reduced to hunting in the grocery store and fighting in virtual settings. Most alpha males are behind bars. Men are told that their very nature is wrong and the only way to be seen as good is to play by all the rules, many of which are stifling and soul draining. Women are taught to fear men, especially their sexuality. It is no wonder relationships are so difficult and divorce is so common. Boys were told to keep their sexuality under control and private from their family and girls were taught to fear and evade sexuality altogether. It's a big deal because sexuality or sexual energy literally affects and creates every aspect of life! An unhealthy or fearful sexual perspective is the ultimate form of fragmenting and destroying life, period!

So when I assert that honesty in relationships is of utmost importance I say it which the deep understanding that honesty or exposure is the first step towards healing, and the world needs healing. I can not lay back and act like chronic depression, divorce, sexual repression/abuse, starvation, poverty, homelessness, animal abuse, greed, obesity, illness, mass murder, misery as a way of life, rape of the planet is all ok and a normal part of life. Life was NOT meant to be like this, I know that, with every fiber of my being.

I do not see any political party or politician addressing the root issues but instead toying with the symptoms. So rather than waiting for Jesus, Allah, the Grey's or the next president to 'save' us it is time to save ourselves through radical measures and I am not talking about more shootings or bombings, I am talking about radical honesty, with everyone. I am talking about radical self acceptance. I am talking about quitting the blame game and being real. We can only begin the work- cooperation as men, women, young and old, black, brown, red, yellow and white, once we stop pretending. It's time everyone humble themselves, everyone. All the rugs lifted, swept, all the closets cleaned. No more secrets, no more hidden agendas, no more lies! THAT is true humility. No one will reach perfection until they stop pretending to be perfect, until they stop pretending to be what they are not. We have a lot of work to do and it has to start somewhere. What kind of hypocrites are we? Gathering around the Thanksgiving or holiday table groaning about the government and shitty politicians, angry because of the lack of transparency the government gives, while we are all living a miserable lie. Why bother demanding the government, who represents us, be transparent and honest when we can't even be honest with ourselves! Why bother saving money for our children and grandchildren just so they can continue the cycle of misery, brokenness and destruction? I hear people so upset and miserable in their marriages and yet go ahead training their children in the very dogma of repression that leads to failed relationships and cycles of sorrow.

What will it take for people to stop lying to themselves and each other? I am not waiting for some catastrophic event, I LIVE in my truth and integrity but I'll tell you what, it gets lonely as hell.

I am tired of hearing about revolution. The only thing we need to revolt against is our own lies and self denial. We need an Evolution. We need an Evolution of communication and cooperation. We need to stop wagging our fingers and shaking our heads at every public witch trial when we ourselves are just as 'guilty'. It is time we learn how to be real, flexible and honest with ourselves and each other. I am ready and I am waiting.

karyne richardson says:

Brilliant discourse in developmental history of spirituality and American history. Evolution of consciousness.

G True says:

Wait did she say White Supremacy ended with Civil Rights Legislation? 😏

Fallon Regan says:

I need to meet you, Marianne!

Afsaneh Mirfendereski says:

Thanks, Marianne.

Shahina Lakhani says:

I have no words! This is exactly what I needed to hear to move forward on my journey and to live my purpose on this planet. THANK YOU MV!

Daniel Raphael says:

Would have been nice to include the US policy towards palestinians in her atonement speech. And Afghans and so on…

Miss Anjo says:

Bernie/Williamson 2016 ?

joey eiswert says:

Love this!

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