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EvenStar LoveAnanda says:

Taxation is not a theft if they would provide the services for you that is
agreed up on with mutual consent.
Which is the general idea behind taxation.

Some services can be provided more efficiently from a centralized control
like the Federal Government.
Other services can be provided more efficiently through local control.

The problem with taxation today is that the politicians steel some of the
money and then they do not provide all the services in the highest quality

Passio is good but he tries to over simplify some things.

wanda oreilly says:

You are right Mark. You have a lot of detractors… i’ve heard all the
arguments… they all fail when one based in knowledge listens to your
teachings. Not just listen, but have an understanding of the esoteric
wisdom and the symbolism. I would agree with them if i found error in your
teachings. There is no error in what you teach. Thank you.

Dismantle The Matrix says:

Yet another EPIC Lecture by Mark Passio!

Karina Nalbandyan says:

He words brought me the closest to the truth so far since I started
searching. I was raised Christian and at the age of 30 I started to feel as
if I’m missing something in my life. I started to look at Christianity
different I saw things in it I agree with but it did seem as if they
distorted or covered and changed a lot to use as a control tool. I do
believe in the creation story rather than Darwinian Fairytales. I also
agree with a lot of the Science and Math. But same as Mark I believe that
the Universe didn’t randomly appear. So I’m stuck between both spirituality
and science. My awakening process started on its own for no reason.

Elise MJ says:

how do you use the example of 2 people only on earth, to determine if
something is ethical, when a situation/dilemma in its very nature includes
3 or more people ?

Gloria Cooper says:

Thanks for your deep passion and courage Mark! Never heard anybody speak
such sense about this stuff.

Nico Bottema says:

The truth can’t be known, because every observational position is a
subjective position with an infinite amount of possible realities making up
the observable. We might be the matrix within a matrix within a matrix.
That’s only one of infinite options. For every new realization you can find
100 new realizations that nullify the former realization. Morality is
nothing but a communal good/bad splitting illusion.
Changing this planet is purposeless if there are infinite realities out
there with infinite suffering, or nature outside of our social systems
where animals suffer or heck even insects. Suffering in itself is probably
just a neurological/electrical configuration, meant to exist.
So if we can’t eliminate (unimaginably) deep suffering, what’s the purpose
of any kind of difference? What good is reducing suffering in a few beings
if other beings still suffer depths we can’t even comprehend from our
comfort? Well maybe we’re built to empathise only with our local community.
So that’s where we should focus then.. And maybe we’re more meant for
caring about our own pleasure (within the constraints of our locality)
rather than fixing the world, which is not even an option.. Heck what does
our influence even matter if we die into nothingness. That our drive to
alter the world is nothing but our own neurological configuration which is
just a product of the same world? And that configuration that causes the
drive (and sense of importance) to alter the world will just disintegrate
after death?
Mark Passio simply gets to feel the pleasure of being considered important
and making a (subjectively perceived) large difference within his illusion
of betterment, and putting himself out there, living.. That’s his real
motive. He believes that his pleasure and reward is of a higher kind, and I
agree with him. His pleasure can be more long term rewarding in many senses
of being, more fruitful within his personal world than what a lot of people
generally consider. However, there are always downsides with any upside.
And vice versa. But he’s not more right or wrong than anyone else.. Because
it doesn’t exist but as illusion within the sense of community/connection.
A source of sense of worth.. A very likely cause for his choice of actions.
And throughout the presentation he presents a ton of bullshit fallacies.
‘Taxation on the produce of man is violence, that is the real truth’. No
it’s not. It’s just your personal construct of supposed superior morality.
The real truth is the infinite of everything where good and bad are
indeterminable by our minds or collective efforts. How far stuck up his ass
must his head be to actually believe he knows the absolute truth within the
confines of morality? Our beloved Mr Einstein even said (with which I
wholeheartedly agree) “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I
don’t know.”. Here’s truth: we don’t know Shit. We can’t know shit, and we
won’t ever truly know shit. We’ll only have illusions of knowing shit.

All I’m saying is, the real truth is infinitely complex, and if we want to
follow THAT truth, then we can’t even manifest action anymore because we’d
be stuck in endless analysis (very much my personal problematic
experience). Maybe we’re meant to live illusions and anything else doesn’t
matter, unless there truly exist higher/encompassing
powers/entities/structures like deities such as God, that have different
constraints to the states of our being..

Truth is incomprehensible. Real meaningful answers don’t exist but are only
defined as such in the limitations of our minds.

So fuck all of you. Fuck me. Love to all of you. Please love me.


The 40 Year Old Vegan says:

Thank You!!!

Matt Richard says:

This is allot of information. I’ve been watching these presentations for
awhile and I still learn new things.

pacman packs says:

GREAT upload, more here:

Mark Passio – What On Earth Is Happening – FULL
9 Hours and 31 Minutes

Mark Passios: Natural Law Seminar – FULL version
8 hours 48 minutes
Backup link:

EvenStar LoveAnanda says:

The expression of Consciousness is NOT triune.
It is a tetrahedron with four sides and four apexes.
Emotions are not Spirit.
Emotions are contained in the individual Soul.
Spirit is the Awareness or Turia (Turia means the Fourth) as it is called
in the Vedas.

So the Tetrahedron should be;
Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit.
Action, Thought, Emotion, Awareness.
Awareness IS THE TRUTH.
Awareness is the only Constant…
All others are fluctuating.

Karina Nalbandyan says:

He is awesome I love listening to his speeches. So right about self defense
right. My dad always taught all 3 of his kids this same thing. He told us
not to ever start anything violent with anyone, but to always
protect/defend our selfs and others who are being attacked and are in need
of help. Mark is right about how schools are nowadays. Kids can’t defend
themselves from bullies or else they to will get in big trouble. I teach my
children the same. I explain to them that a police force is not what it
should be not what it’s meant to be. Most not all but most cops are not
these superheros who save people from bad guys as they make them out to be
and what they teach kids in schools. I told my children the truth that the
police force is a huge control system to keep people in check and obedient
slaves that are on total lock down. Most police officer act immoral they
all even sound the same just like programed robats they are taught to put
fear in people and control people through violence, they are taught in fact
I think they swear an oath to kill their own family member if needed by
law. But i did tell my kids that there are a huge amount of good police
officers who do the right think and do what they’re supposed to do a cops.
Jails aren’t full of Rapists and killers, there are some of those there but
mostly jails are filled with single moms who drove on suspended licenses or
young kids thugs who were driven by society into robbery probably cus they
come from poor broken homes, or better yet jail cells are filled with half
of America who are addicted to pills. Good American doctors legally
prescribed to these people and made millions of off them bought them selfs
Mansions and are on tropical vacation with their families while all their
patient’s family is falling apart and they are rotting in jail or switch to
street drugs and die. So this system is designed for us the blind herd of
sheep not ever protest or rise against the government so from the early age
of our life’s starting in kindergarten we are brainwashed not to defend our
selfs, not to help others, worry only about your self, trust your
authorities and obey them. In other countries kids start kindergarten with
the same group of kids that will be with them all the way up to 9th grade
or maybe even higher than that. So these kids learn to trust one another,
they help and lookout for each other. Here in America they make sure they
keep switching the kids from class to class. A child is not given a chance
to get close to a friend cus this child is constantly with new kids new
faces. I’m sure it’s like this everywhere now not just here.

vermilion J says:

Why does the Youtube format keep changing every couple of weeks?

Alexander Elkorek says:

I love this guy.

Wes Blake says:

Mark I have a question for you. I ask you this because you were involved
with the dark occult. Is Tomorrow Land part of the occult?

worryphree says:

Creation is BOTH individual and collective.

Cliff Ellis says:

Consciousness is what we got from the tree of good and evil. The
dispensation of consciousness was the time from Adam to Noah. It did not
work out very well for mankind. Other dispensations followed which were
Government, Law and Grace. They did not work out so well either. Bottom
line mankind as a whole is doomed for failure. Our only hope individually
is to be regenerated spiritually through faith in Jesus. There is no other

Lencho Elias says:

Mark Passio has taught me more about reality then school and my parents
combined- thank you brother.. TRUE LIFE LEGEND – Mark Passio – Natural Law
Seminar – New Haven, CT – Part 1 of 3 

zazszdzfzgzhzjzkzlzx says:

I watched the video of this presentation in Asheville, NC. The comment
section is disabled in that particular video, so I just had to come to this
one to say:
WOW! This presentation and Mark Passio’s work truly blows me away! His work
takes very complicated subjects and places them in simple, logical, and
step-by-step thought processes; the clarity it provides makes changing your
life for the better incredibly easy.

Basil Gentleman says:

“Real masters create other masters” Listen and learn

e3ovuziotica says:

Down to earth! Spread the way you can. Discover for yourself!

RayRay Ray says:

Actually the True “Great Work,” is Self Transformation. Recovering the
lost knowledge of the Higher Self, which is the source of the silent voice
that speaks to each of us from within. Altering consciousness, freeing the
imprisoned faculties of the Self and experiencing the life changes that
result. However there is preliminary work which Must be done. It is up to
each individual to tear down the lie of the false self or assumed identity,
the Ego! In doing so providing a chance for its rebirth into a new life
based on TRUTH!!!

Riteaction1111 says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Andrea Baková says:

The 20 factors of True Awakening discussed are:
01. Being “Awake” means knowing about the Occult, and understanding that
there are both Light and Dark aspects to it.
02. Being “Awake” means knowing that Truth is singular, objective, and
exists independently of our perceptions of it.
03. Being “Awake” means knowing the True Self and understanding its
connection to All.
04. Being “Awake” means knowing that neither the Physical nor Spiritual
realities take precedence over each other.
05. Being “Awake” means being out of Ego-Identification and Ego-Attachment.
06. Being “Awake” means exercising discernment and judgement.
07. Being “Awake” means being mentally free of all False Religions.
08. Being “Awake” means knowing there is no such thing as Knowledge which
is “negative.”
09. Being “Awake” means knowing the causal factors that have led to the
current Human Condition.
10. Being “Awake” means understanding and living in harmony with Natural
11. Being “Awake” means knowing and living both Pillars of Enlightenment.
12. Being “Awake” means knowing that “Authority” is an illegitimate
illusion, and that all Government is Slavery.
13. Being “Awake” means recognizing the critical importance of Free Will
and personal responsibility.
14. Being “Awake” means knowing that the so-called “negative” emotions
serve a critically important purpose.
15. Being “Awake” means knowing that True Enlightenment is not about
pursuing bliss in a world that is currently filled with suffering.
16. Being “Awake” means knowing what True Forgiveness really means.
17. Being “Awake” means knowing the difference between what cannot be
changed and what should be changed.
18. Being “Awake” means caring enough to take real-world action to create
real-world change.
19. Being “Awake” means knowing that True Enlightenment is not only about
improving yourself, but also about influencing others to improve themselves.
20. Being “Awake” means knowing that True Enlightenment does not equate to

unsheepled says:

I have always taken apart words and language .I did not know
latin, but some Italian and GOT some of this early .Of course I was
ridiculed for it .HA ! VINDICATED

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