Meditation: Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart Tolle leads a meditation on “The Power of the Present Moment” at Wisdom 2.0 2014.

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Pogo says:

I’ve been trying to apply Tolle’s ideas to my life these past few days, and
already I’ve found myself going on walks and taking pictures aimlessly
around my neighborhood. On my walks, I’d walk a lot slower, and in some
cases I actually stopped all together just to take in sights and sounds
without habitual interpretation or thinking. I think Tolle’s concept of
observing thoughts as they arise instead of embracing them is a good way of
acknowledging the separation between consciousness and mind – developing a
new awareness of your mind as an instrument and not your being its self.

Andrew Paul says:

i hope you all know hes lying to you, but i cant convince you of that.

Tanya Beardsley says:

From our boy Eckhart – give it a look when you have a half- adorable. <3

Steven Bagwan says:

Some people say ”he’s not a Buddha he is a spiritual teacher” but what is
the difference between a Buddha (an awakened one) and him

Ravi PP says:

My dear Charissa Blackstone, you once asked me how the process of
meditation happens; and this is for all my good friends who are really
earnest to see how it evolves in a beautiful and spontaneous way, one has
to be very very attentive, and see it the most simple way possible :-

Clement W says:

I am a yoga instructor who loves and finds in the eyes of joyous people and
in the beauty of the arts, a wondrous connection with Divine Nature. I
deeply appreciate those who come and join in the eternal perspective of
“the presence, ‘here and now’,” especially my colleagues whom continuously
labor to infuse practitioners with the gloriousness of being whole and free
from the veiling confines of society (its glamour, politics, consumerism
and piety).

Video 36 min.
Guided Meditation by Eckhart Tolle
‘The Power of The Present Moment’

NsJ says:

Everything Eckhart Tolle says is obviously true. But is it helpful to us? I
mean who doesn’t intuitively understand already that all we have is the
present moment with which to make use? Perhaps the larger issue is finding
ambition and clear meaning in our lives, in this insane structured world
which our ancestors have molded before us and as we continue to shape. As
of the state of things right now on this planet, there’s nothing but chaos.
We are totally out of tune with the creative energy. Most people are so
lost on what to live for and what their purposes are in life, that they are
going back to fighting and killing each other all over again just to
maintain the status quo (potentially from the past). At some point, this
constant perpetuation of technological innovation and advancement/global
competition/emerging economies, will have to end so that we can go back to
living with a defined purpose, not out of selfish desire. At the rate with
which things are heading now, things are only going to end badly before a
new age begins.


Michelangelo Caravaggio says:

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with identifying with your past,
that’s how we know what we like and dislike, and then we can act with our
likes and dislikes in mind. Sometimes we have to experience things to know
ourselves, other times, we can know ourselves directly, by perceiving how
we feel about people, places and things in the moment. To me, there’s
nothing necessarily spiritual about this talk, in the western sense of the
word, as in, miraculous, it’s just that in all things, balance, you can
overdo past/future becoming/thinking, but you can overdo here/now
beingthinking too. There’s a time to give planning a rest and enjoy the
present moment. There’s a time to plan, and a time to be spontaneous and
improvise, perhaps the latter is the basis of reality, not the former, the
former is a lesser sort of reality. There’s nothing spiritual about this,
in fact, it’s the antithesis of spirituality, the way I understand the word
to mean supernatural or miraculous, it’s getting in touch with the
everyday, or rather, every moment, it’s totally empirical and not faith
based. Just as the body can have too much to eat or drink, the mind can
consume/produce too many thoughts, we need to learn to quiet our minds and
go with the flow more, many of us in our modern day world. Knowledge of the
past is a lesser sort of reality than knowledge of the present, it’s more
quantitative, many moments condensed and simplified, as opposed to the
moment, which is more intense and more deep. Of coruse we need to be
conscious both the moment as well as preceding moments. Christianity has
nothing to do with this thought, I hate how eastern thinkers try to lump
everything together, Christianity is based on the miraculous, it is totally
the opposite kind of thinking, Christians are identifying with the fall of
adam and eve and the promise of an after life, their state of consciousness
is anything but present-centered, and it’s not supposed to be, they’re not
misinterpreting, Tolle and others put their spin on Christianity and
interpret everything figuratively, but no, the bible is a mythological,
historically based book, the rising from the dead and everything else was
meant to be taken literally, as far as I, or any scholar worth his salt can
tell. Yes, I would use the word philosophical or psychological or
meditative to describe Tolle’s thinking, spirituality isn’t the right word
for me, it means something different to most people, it means Gods,
Goddesses, magick, the soul existing apart from the body, that sort of
thing, not altering one’s consciousness, so much. He’s just demonstrating
alternative states of awareness, how we can use our consciousness for
different things, just as one can teach another how to drive a car, we need
people to teach us how to operate our own minds, because we often get
locked up in certain patterns which are or can become detrimental.

I must say, it felt good to let go of my thoughts for a little why, and be
present minded, they’re are lots of things to be thankful for in my
present, most of all, simply having a present is something to be thankful
for. It feels good to be.

joe andrews lmt says:

Some Facebook posts are positive…I always only post positive and
uplifting posts. So it’s kind of unfair to only portray Facebook as a
negative distraction from the present moment because it’s not always used
that way.

Erech Hilbun says:

My Now, is different than your Now. How about that!

Lynda Mackrous says:

present moment is not a ‘thing’ it is ‘time’

Khanista Ithipathachai says:

#Meditation #EckhartTolle 

Blurred vision says:

Love this! … 0:43 : reminds me of Mr Bean

Meditation is the best way to survive life on earth

Teoh Yi Chie says:

Meditation is a mysterious concept that some people might find difficult to
comprehend. The easier way to get into the mood of getting awareness of the
surrounding and yourself is go do observational sketching. When you spend
the time observing the surrounding, and then putting what you see on paper,
you will enter that state of mind, the right side of the mind, and will be
able to observe things that you have never observed before, and being to
see things in a new light.

UltimateTeachings - Végső Tanítások says:

Hi, will you please allow me to subtitle this video to Hungarian language?
I love it very much and I am sure our Hungarians will do, as well. :)

Vanq says:

Lmao @ this pretentious clown

CoohMe says:

Everybody listen to “AZEDIA – Remain As You Are”. This song also acts as a
fantastic pointer to help show you to the inner-self. And for those that
have already gotten the knack of it, the song is still incredible :)

Unchained Psyche says:

It sounds like someone is playing with beads or something. 

Jason Welsh says:

Meditation: Eckhart Tolle

One of my favorite people to listen to

Ravi PP says:

Everything you – the real you, need is here, if lucky, you could enter that

BosoxnationI972 says:

This guy has about as much charisma as Ben Stein’s character in Ferris
Bueller’s Day Off.

MrCitrusfruitz says:

Creativity comes from a still mind. The mind loves trouble, drama, problems
etc. It cannot exist in the now, only in time.

Hedgewife says:

The dark and new moon often have associations of going inward, as I posted
before, perhaps going into your dark or hidden places. This quite going
inward can manifest through meditation. Here is an interesting take on
meditation by Eckhart Tolle. He has an interesting way of looking at life
that can be useful for living our own lives. 

Samuel Samson says:

Beautiful words.

Mace Collins says:

*From my experience, Tolle’s techniques didn’t work all the way and get me
into full clarity, BUT I found a better book on the subject called “The

*It’s at a website called TruthContest○Com. **It could blow your mind. It’s
free, and really works!*


Meditation: Eckhart Tolle

Kirsten Johnson says:

The best part of his talk is when he took a selfie!!! I had no idea he was
so funny :)

Brian Schaefer says:

For those of you who know the Adara Meditation I share, you can see how
this is a bottom-up, external to internal mental exercise. When you are
aware of the Reference Points and Compensatory Associations, you can
instantly go into a top-down, internal to external meditation.

Meditation: Eckhart Tolle

Jonathan L-R says:

meditation does not lead you where it claims to. Tolle never meditated to
arrive in whatever state he’s in – it just happened to him, (in a moment of
psychic turmoil and spiritual bondage). as is often the case
with other non dualism teachers. In the long term, if you keep up
meditation over years – it does have effects but they are not good and
have nothing to do with God – that’s my experience. This is the emperors
new clothes, nothing at all against Eckhart Tolle, I believe he’s sincere.

50centgotshot9times says:

Load of crap. I’ve tried time and time again to do this shit but what’s the
point if you’re depressed and everything/everyone makes you feel like you
don’t belong in this fucktarded shitty universe.

helena ellison says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Your Happiness Blueprint says:

Thank you for sharing this video. 

Rossana Scognamillo says:

He is inspiring, pure, beautiful message….Namaste

Mariusz Zaleski says:
christine de jong says:

secret of life, who you are beyond the story of self………
transcend that…. as spacious awareness…..or stillness ——–>universal

Stay Fresh says:

So glad I’m realising all this at a relatively young age…

Gabriela Csányiová says:
James Kershaw says:

I’m too busy with the present to need others’ approval.

Gentle Happy says:


maxwell williams says:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Eckhart :)

Vladimir Mayakovski says:

I would like to recommend a book to everyone who likes Eckhart’s teachings.
It is called “The Present- Universal truth” . Eckhart is amazing and this
book confirms his sayings, builds up on this theme and makes everything
perfectly clear. Peace :)

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