Mind and Life XIV — Day 1 pm – with the Dalai Lama

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Mind and Life XIV — Dialogues on “The Universe in a Single Atom” – Day 1 Afternoon Session
(Held at His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, India)

Day 1 — April 9th, 2007
Part I: The Buddhism-Science Collaboration and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge: Exposing the Fracture Points. Dialogue Leader: Evan Thompson

Part II: Atomism, Emptiness, Interdependence and the Role of the Observer in Quantum Physics and Buddhism. Dialogue Leaders: Anton Zeilinger and Arthur Zajonc

In addition to being a scientific autobiography, the Dalai Lama’s book “The Universe in a Single Atom: the Convergence of Science and Spirituality” highlights those issues he feels are most important in the “convergence of science and spirituality.” These issues and questions form the focus of the Mind and Life XIV meeting, and become the foundation on which a group of scientists develop a deep dialogue with the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholar-practitioners.

The conference was organized by the Mind and Life Institute (www.mindandlife.org) and the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (www.dalailama.com).

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Tiago Bessa says:

Interesting. Thank you to share.

Centro de Reiki Almada says:

Este fenómeno é tão simples de explicar. Estes cientistas atrasadinhos só
sabem lançar confusão e meias palavras para o ar sem saber explicar
claramente uma coisa tão simples. Que conversa mais ignóbil. Uma hora para
explicar uma coisa tão fácil. Espero que não sejam professores.

tagbostan says:

gibt es auch auf deutsch?

Steven Glodowski says:

What about “Non Localized Information” 56:25

Dennis Katinas says:

Incredible! I would love to know more about this! Amazing!

Will Theresaway says:

The Dalai Lama is the SHITS! 🙂 I want to kiss his forehead one day! My
wife wants to hug him!

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