MIND-BLOWING: Understanding THIS Will Change The Way You LOOK at Your LIFE | Neale Donald Walsch

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Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent most of his early adult years thriving professionally yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remained there for over two-and-a-half years.

His latest book is The God Solution, published in December 2020, which invites humanity to embrace a new global ethic based on a refined and clarified definition of God. The book proposes that there is a single statement of spiritual truth upon which all the world’s religions could agree and which would birth a shift of spiritual paradigms around the globe of such magnitude that it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.

19 Years Have Passed Since The Last “Conversations With God” Book Was Published, And Now… Explore The Ideals Of The Highly-Evolved Being With Neale Donald Walsch, And Prepare Yourself For Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Leap Experience 75-Minutes Of Life Transforming Wisdom From The Bestselling Living Legend Behind The Conversation with God Book Phenomenon.

Books in the With God dialogue series, in their order of publication, include: Conversations with God-Books 1-3, Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; Home with God in a Life That Never Ends, and Conversations with God-Book 4.

A series of supplementary texts includes When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013), God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong (2014), When God and Medicine Meet, (2016), and The Essential Path (2019).

Walsch presents online retreats and lecture programs for persons around the world, focused on what he calls the most important question facing humanity today. That question: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which would change everything?

In order to deal with the enormous global response to the writings in the Conversations with God body of work, an internet platform has been created at Conversations with God, where the scope and breadth of the CWG messages may be explored in audio, video, and written form, and where readers may get answers directly from the author to any questions they may have about the material.

WATCH Full Interviews on the Main Next Level Soul Channel http://www.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Ginger Broussard says:

Too bad that Sunday is not the true Sabbath, its on Saturday 😊

Fluffy Bunny. 💗. 😛 says:

We are on ANother level. 💝
👉 🔥🔥

Andrew Henshall says:

When I was 27 i had a kundalini awakening and experienced myself as infinite multidimensional conciousness beyond time and space without boundary and clarity beyond description and i also went to a realm where there was no delay between my thoughts and it turning up. by the third thought I connected the dots and knew it was me doing it and scared myself back to my body. then later i read this exact story in conversations with god by Neil Donald Walsh. if that's not confirmation you are on the right track i don't know what is. Conversations with god is my foundation everything I've learned since is an expansion of what was touched on in those beautiful books. Thank you neil.

Sandra Frizzell says:

I love God but I do not like religion.

Leesa Dexter says:

It's funny how organized religion put the fear of God literally God and death into us! How horrible for us I've been there!

Julie DeYoung says:

This is wonderful! I love Neale Donald Walsh

Android Samsung says:

Book/pdf: On A Pale Horse by Wes Penre

This fear/pain/misery/suffering is called loosh. Eaten and bathed in by THINGS/BEINGS that have enslaved humanity.

jpw311 says:

it was ok for the priest to molest me


Talk about collective trauma from religion . I'm so embarrassed.
Thank God , the Source for my faith ❤

Daisy Guerra says:

Awesome interview!! Much gratitude and Blessings.

Lanishortsunshine says:

I read Neales books now for yEARS🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

MinouMinet says:

I haven’t been a fan of his ever since I read Conversations With God. He was too easily accepting of pedophilia, so I asked another if I might be misunderstanding what he was conveying. She said she had the exact same response I did. I threw those three books into the trash and never followed anything further with him. I listened to this, only out of curiosity. There is nothing new here, the information is blatantly obvious to any truth seeker or self-examining soul.

Anne Diamond says:

How do we access the full interview?

Anonymous Won says:

If I was god then I would force people and other life forms into the type of existence where they would suffer against their will and where many of them would suffer absolutely horribly against their will and if they didn't like it too the f bad because I'm god and I can do whatever the f I want to do.
And I would create them with the types of minds that aren't always wise enough and not always caring enough and not always in good enough control over themselves to be able to always do what's right. Then I would blame and punish them for unfortunately being the way that I created them because how dare they be victims of being the way that I created them.

Kiomaarna says:

Sorry but what is mind blowing that will make me change my life???

Eszter Varga says:

Neale is THE BEST, i am forever grateful to him.

Richard M. says:

The Catholic Church has ruined more lives in their history than can be counted. No man ordained or not can give absolution for anything!😊

Angela Murphy says:

I am an Irish Catholic, a senior now ,and it wasent that bad

Fatan Sameer says:

انا رئيت بتجربة ان المحبة اكبر تجربة لتغير النفس تجعلك تبكي وتجعل قلبك يحب كل الارواح بينما انا لدي اعمال ومواقف جدا مشرفة لكن لدي اخطاء كذلك بجهل لااعرف
انها ليست على صواب راجعت نفسي واعمالي

Fatan Sameer says:

وهذا ليس معناها الله لايحاسب المخطا او المجرم لا وانما يوجد حساب بعدالة الله متى مافهمنا عدالة الله كيف تكون سوف نفهم الكارما

Christine Drew says:

❤ Christine Boston

Fatan Sameer says:

لايوجد جحيم اصلا وانما هذه ترهيب موجودة فقط بالاديان لكي نخاف ونلتزم بالواجبات الدينية لان الله يحبنا أكثر منه هو اكثر من حب الام لطفلها كذلك وجدت الأديان لكي تكون روابط قوية بالمجتمع واخوة الصلاة تجمعنا لها فوائد اجتماعية كذلك الشرائع وضعت لها ايجابيات كثيرة مثل تخويف الناس اذا سرق السارق واذا قتل القاتل شبه قوانيين كانت تسمى ربانية ونقول
انها اعمال محرمه يعني ممنوعة من الله لكي الطفل منذ البداية يتربى عليها ووجدت اختلاف الاديان لكي يوجد التنوع وتقبل الاخر والانسجام الروحي بالنسبة لبعض الاشخاص الذين مروا بتجربة الاقتراب من الموت ورئوا
العذاب وجهنم هذه تخويف فقط يرونها لفترة
قصيرة لكي يكونوا بها حكمة من الله وعبرة للمجرمين والمخطئين. الاديان يوجد به الترهيب والترغيب للفرد

Lisa Damele says:

Religion controls people through fear.

Julia Silk says:

No link to full interview:(

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