Most successful joke ever

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


@manjotsingh1093 says:

After this I Searched for the original and then I got to know that this is successfully edited

@johnpaultrio says:

Dalai lama laughs knowing another western man won't reach nirvana

@Schixotica says:

Way to ruin it with unecessary editing

@cartilyy says:

Where was the punchline

@i-am-linja says:

"I haven't heard a joke in 8,000 years. And I still haven't."

@tudyk21 says:

The Dalai Lama doesn't tip caddies.

@pradoshtv says:

Pizza guy hands him a pizza with no toppings and says: "In life, you don't get what you ask, but you make of what you are given"

@pradoshtv says:

Some jokes are way better if they make you think..😊

@bwcasas says:

Very funny!

@kermy9655 says:

Suck my tongue

@user-mb1uj7bn7x says:

why does she looks like trump

@thomassmiththekingbee says:

Hahaha, I wish I could laugh like Woody at this. But it's okay, as I always say, you can't always get what you want.

@markrigg6623 says:

The joke is the one on the right. A self serving narcissistic hypocrit. And thats her good points.

@qc4738 says:

Why was that funny?

@FraserAtSea says:

Me every time my boss cracks a joke

@Makoshake says:

Who's here in 2024

@MikeTyson-ff1xe says:

Same Dalai Lama that likes to kiss little boys on the mouth 🤮

@teaflowers8250 says:

That was so pure and wholesome 😂😂

@roelwalstra says:

I have a teacher that met him and said he had a remarkable sense of humor!

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