My Journey With Spirituality & Astrology ★☾

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SO happy I have finally spoken up about all of this. Let’s all get chatting in the comments below ! ALSOO SPOT THE NEW INTRO ! woooo

People I spoke about:

Julia George

Kelley Rosano

Links from Mum & Julia find sun moon & rising

Time Passages (Phone App)


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  • Categories: Spirituality


lumineuxable says:

hiiii i'm a virgo with a little bit of a leo in me ♥️

Along Cloud Nine says:

I think she would look much better with thinner eyebrows. Regardless she is pretty.

Shannen Zappa says:

Cartia, this is such a beautiful video and I deeply resonate with it. Subscribed!
Also, where did you get that top?!? SO LOVELY

caitlyn hardman says:

I'd love to learn so much from you! It's wonderful to see someone who is in the same boat as myself I'm all for learning new knowledge about spirituality etc 😀 Leo vibes all the way from the bus of us xx

NiinaChu says:

<3 <3 love love love, so nice to relate to somebody so much

Splitleaf says:

Your pothos is STUNNING!!! I'm a Taurus myself!

okay fabs says:


Caribou 6897 says:

What a natural beauty!! WOW

Sophia Harter says:

There is soooo much more to astrology than just sun signs (and moon and rising). Anyone interested should look into their full natal chart. Your planets and houses affect all different aspects of you as a person. Liz Greene writes great books with a lot of detail. 🙂

Sophia Harter says:

MysticMamma, HoodWitch, and Tree of Stars are wonderful astrology instagrams!!!!
also, astrolocherry if you are on tumblr ♡

Claudia says:

how do you cope with negative people who you can't easily distance yourself from? all the negative energy is really getting to me and i don't know what to do…

sassatab says:

i just :))) know sooo much about the world and the people who live here … like.. like .. like … when i was born into my bourgeoisie family, lived in high rise apartment in the middle of brisbane city, went to a private girls grammar school and had my entire life paid for by my mother i just….. really got to experience the world.. like y a know :)))) x carty

Madison Butler says:


Alice Caldwell says:

what do you think about people who feel like they don't connect to their star sign? i personally don't feel like my personality matches up with my listed 'traits' for my star sign (libra). i too feel like i get affected by retrogrades, full moons etc. but i don't feel a connection to my star sign. Any advice?

Beauty By Britanie says:

I just turned 32 and when I started watching you, although you look young and youthful (and are insanely insanely beautiful) I was under the impression you were a lot older because of how incredibly wise you are. This is just another example that age is just a number! I didn't fully come into my spirituality until my mid twenties and my beliefs are very much aligned with yours. I'm so happy to have discovered you. You have such a contagious and beautiful energy about you ✨🌙 ⭐️

Tyla Skie says:

Some of your grounding techniques?

Madison Herden says:

ahhh you are just so beautiful this has opened up my eyes so much and i have read into my start sign more and with what it means and i've realised how impactful this information is. Thank you for creating great content and i can't wait to see more videos xxx

BellBelll says:

This video resonates a lot! I have been watching your videos and you have a lovely soul! I love your energy! Also team leo!! Me and my roommate do rituals together, I usually keep that to myself too because people get really weirded out. I live in a southern state in the USA. People think tarot cards and rituals are the work of the "devil".lol.

Alisson Martinez says:

Can you do a video on star seeds or indigo children? You give me a vibe that you could be very wise on that topic and I would love to hear your opinion on it!! Hope you have a good day!

YMDR Yo music dedicated records says:

Coolness i feel you. I mean you I'm a Christian and your pretty. 🙂 <3

Naomi Goyet says:

Sun in pisces 🐟 moon in leo & ascendant virgo✨ astrology has helped me understand that I'm an emotional little gal and it's okay. I love your videos cartia ! 🌈Keep on with the good work 🤙🏽

Hannah Paige says:

I love this and relate so much, I feel deeply connected and affected by the universe and everything that happens. I am also a huge empath and feel things so intensely already and am affected and feel the emotions and vibes of other people but I'm affected by the the universe for an example I'm specifically affected and feel connected to the moon, being a cancer that makes sense to me but full moons and new moons and all that I take very seriously. Totally on the same page although I do not claim to know a lot, but am so willing and open to learning more!

Hailee O'Brien says:

Virgo Rising, Virgo Sun, Gemini Ascending

My energy itself can be rather magnetic, completely repelling, or so neutral people confuse it with being in a bad mood…? I know. Odd.

So I honestly love having high energy people in my life, it makes the goofy completely weird ass person side come out!

My younger sister is a Scorpio and we are the weirdest fucking people together, you should see us in grocery store, I think people honestly believe we're on drugs.

Roxangela Cartagena says:

I'm a Leo too♌ and actually, everything you are saying about this sign fits with me perfectly. I kinda want to know more about this… Thanks for sharing!!!

Tiffany Small says:

do you believe that people can still get along even though they say your signs aren't "compatible"? loved the video cartia! 🌹

Lauren Hutton says:

I love these videos that you do!! I'm a Virgo and would love to find out more about myself however I am unsure how to go about this. What are the best ways of finding out about yourself? <3

Chloe Chapman says:

Please do more videos like this ✨🌙

Bianca Shacallis says:

you inspire me each and every day

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