Navigating the Human Predicament with Duncan Trussell

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“The game is not to push away the world, the game is not to get caught in it—the game is to, as Christ said, ‘Be in the world, but not of the world,’ to be simultaneously empty and full, to be somebody and nobody. It’s all these paradoxes you have to embrace. There’s nothing to do, so get on with it.” – Ram Dass

Duncan Trussell joins the Ram Dass fellowship live stream to offer insight and wisdom about the paradoxes of being human on a spiritual path.

All of us seem to be born into the experience of separateness – complex ideas about who and what we are. The conditioning that comes along with that sense of “somebodiness” is what we are each contending with virtually all of the time. It’s our curriculum, and everybody’s enrolled. The least we can do is acknowledge or remind ourselves that this is part of the predicament of being human.

This “being human” and embracing our humanity might very well be one of the paradoxes of life that leads us back to our ever-present soul and sense of oneness with the whole. With authenticity and humor, Duncan explores the paradoxes of living in the world today on many channels simultaneously – body, personality, ego, soul.

Duncan Trussell is an American actor and stand-up comic, known for his podcast The Duncan Trussell Family Hour. He appears on the Netflix series The Midnight Gospel.Known for his esoteric beliefs and his openness and honesty, he embodied the spirit of both Ram Dass and the Maharaj-ji and spoke often of their influence during his podcasts.

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The Space Melody says:

“You really don’t have to do anything cause you’re already there.”
I love this!
and Duncan’s perspective.

Laura Conn says:

Wow this guy is really spot on. Spoke exactly what I was going through in life while listening to this. ❤

Intrepid Traveller says:

Thanks guy's this was really beautiful, such a lovely warm vibe 🙏❤️

Catherine Bridges says:

Thank you I am very full of everyday spiritually high but how to be human! This came into my life picking up his book Ordinary Magic now I am finally a devotee of Chogam Trumpa The book seemed just for me and started with NY Shambhala. By the time of Level 2 Cocoon I asked how can I meet Him and the response was he died. I began to freak out and the group leader said wow it’s true you get this from his teachings. Now I am back during this Pandemic meditating constantly and now I am naturally high. Wow you hit a 30 minute talk that brought me back to 1999 Red Feather Lakes Colorado Buddhist Seminary with his son Mipham Rinpoche and Pema Chodron

Manny Lopes says:

Thank you so much for the great content!

OVO ONO says:

Why is this channel not used only for Ram Dass videos? If these bunch of random people you put here are so relevant and interesting let them make their own channel. Or at least make another channel called let's say: "Ram Dass's friends" and post these videos. In last few years only 2 or 3 videos of Ram Dass are being posted on his own channel against hundreds of videos of these other people. It's a disgrace. I follow this channel only because of Baba Ram Dass so it would be fair to him and us to make this chanell strictly Ram Dass content. This is common sense. Sorry for strong language but I feel this needs to be said. All blessings to you and I'm hoping the change will come 🙏🏿🙌❤️

LaVey says:

Duncan Dinkey Doo! Unfortunately ol' Pizza the Hutt, that there current demiurge of Earth, done cast one a them straight jacket spells on ya pardner.
Might wanna lay off the mushrooms for a while or ya might end up like YEEZUS!

Also, it was Hermes Trismegistus that said 'Be in the world, but not of the world' or a rough translation thereof.
$9,393.93 for stealing copyright material and ascribing it to some Catholic mook.

— channeled from Cowboy Curtis

Dan Alexander says:

I just want to offer. If I were to be interviewed, there would be a lot of answers people have wondered about. Duncan is an awesome guy. I just wanted to put it out there that I know ways to help. God bless.

khanehdiangurl says:

Thank you Duncan, for your honesty, authenticity & reminding me it's okay to be human. ❤

Wesley Thibodeau says:

Duncan is such a wonderful spirit, thanks for having him.

Tony says:

Enlightenment helps the ego, but you can't rush it.

chompa says:

hahah i can't love duncan trussell more there isn't enough of me

Daniel Godown says:

Wow I think I just missed this

clay bomb says:

Thanks ☮️❤️ .

William McGlone says:

Starts at 7:12

Michael Stacey says:

Why would a channel calling themselves Ram Dass have somebody as ignorant and devoid of intelligence as Duncan Trussel on.

FLmetalhead says:


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