Navigating the Pain of Feeling Betrayed by Family Members | Eckhart Tolle

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In this insightful video, spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle addresses the painful experience of feeling betrayed by family members. He explains how our thoughts and interpretations of their behavior can perpetuate unpleasant emotions. Eckhart encourages viewers to question whether their feelings of betrayal are based on facts or largely fueled by mental reactions. By understanding the nature of these thoughts, we can begin to find peace and a new perspective on family conflicts. Eckhart’s wisdom offers a path to healing and inner freedom even in the face of challenging family dynamics.

Whether it’s the annual holiday get-together or the neighborhood summer picnic, how do we become a source of connection and well-being when there’s chaos and unconsciousness in the place we call home? With Being with Family, we’ve collected some of Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng’s most helpful teachings and approaches for bringing a harmonious Presence to your next gathering. Learn more here:

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.


@Sandra-fc8pc says:

This is on your youtube channel, Eckhart, so this is your message! It’s not good enough!
And your family did betray you, and they could not do anything else, because of their mental level. Even if they are evil and have no empathy, you can’t change them. And they move on as if nothing happened. So you have to forgive their behaviour as if they are children, not knowing better! It’s like a video game, and they play a different game, or they are the bad guys in your game with no understanding of doing wrong. They can move on as if nothing happened. You are stuck in trauma. I have just come to the understanding that forgiving them because they do not know what they do!! Lol.. is the only way. They don’t know, that is why they are not sad, they don’t feel bad about what they did, and nothing bad happens to them!!! You are the one stuck in this trauma and they don’t care. So!! Forgive and find your peace and find your people, with love in their hearts, and people that have an understanding of being kind towards others. This is a very tricky game to play!! 🙏❤️❤️❤️

@kaatkate9270 says:

This is too short …..🤔

@adamslosar5574 says:

i guess i imagined 23 of severe abuse. i have a silly mind….

@nanetten6238 says:

Sorry Eckhart, but your advice on this one is a little bit lame, or should we blame it on bad editing?

@rogerlin9602 says:

Your feeling isn’t pleasant.
Is it the truth or interpretation?
Thanks Eckhart. 11 April 2024. 🚗🍕⛈🏄🏼🏃🦒🏃🏃🐳🪴💪🏻

@TunTuni25 says:

Thank you for THIS!
Was hoping,waiting SOMEONE would state this…the not so obvious to Gurus
As much as i like,admire & appreciate Eckhart…almost lost respect after this no smoking gun Gaslighting
So im Not crazy & certainly not alone in sharing these very Identical sentiments verbatim
Thank God!

@michaelgusovsky says:

way too many whiny people in the comments wanting to talk about themselves and insist that they are victims and everyone ought to feel sorry for them.
like walking into a room full of crying kindergarteners.

@naveenvellalar9496 says:

Well.. Indian philosophy has answer for this. Instead of having fond on family members only have love on them.
Fond- is a personal bond that creates a ego(self mind) which creates emotions and try to give happiness and hurt in cyclic way
Love- is a non personal bond on every living beings which eliminates the ego without hard way.

Have compassion on every living beings equal to ur family members. Its call jeevakarunayam(soul compassion ) in tamil.

@PaigeSquared says:

I mean. At some level, there is a definition of family, and a person can behave in a way that is counter to that definition, without any prodding or sort of incident they are reacting to.

When a family member is malicious, do we allow them to exhert control, simply because they have misidentified us as a threat?

I dont think these are the same conditions under which the cross was accepted. At some point, there ARE life giving and life denying actions. We can't simply reframe those truths.

I worry when people hear "is that the full story," that they do not understand the full teaching. They do not understand that they are meant to take on their power to walk away, and instead think that reframing is more of a way of justifying continued self abandonment. We often believe enabling is kind, when we are doing it.

@jenniferwells9032 says:

The truth from one person

@pinkichoudhary8973 says:

🌺🙏💗🛐💥🙏Family platform is live platform .Feeling comes through actions not from emagination. SO gives focus to actions ( within/without)
1…WITHIN…If SELF is WRONG then try to change self towards more positivity.
2….For ( without)….Think carefully about situation ( calmly).If Self actions is right and positive that means another is in negative vibration …wait…when other comes in calm situation…pull (him/her)..from negative zone by giving ( him /her)….*UNCONDITIONAL LOVING POSITIVE VIBES KNOWLEDGE * 🌺🙇MAY MOTHER NATURE KEEPS HER ENDLESS BLESSINGS ON ALL…ON US🌺🙏RADHEY RADHE.

@Accidental_Nihilist says:

It’s important this “snippet” occurred. Eckhart never experienced severe childhood trauma like many of us. We must forgive him. He has no clue.

@conqueringego6226 says:

do you ever just want to humble the ego and live in the present moment without doing all this ego stuff of trying to teach people something you can never actually teach them? Nobody can help people touch the present moment so do you just enjoy talking about the ego or is it all about the money or what? I'm struggling myself trying to figure out if talking about a million different forms that all points to the one thing you can't teach is even worth it when consciousness doesn't depend on the world of form at all..

@sage9836 says:

"Those who target, TARGET. " YES.!

@firstnamelastnam3 says:

Thanks Eckheart✨This is helpful in seeing things as they are. The people in my life aren’t always the way I sometimes think they should be, yet I can love them for who they are instead of who I think they should be.

@marianfrances4959 says:

I definitely accept how our brains work and how we create stories. This is not to say family members are all or always considering us with good intent. I needed this today. I need to forgive my son…👍😎🇨🇦🙏💘⚘

@amin_abdollahi_369 says:


@jackmellon8801 says:

very Bad vido not worth watching

@snakehuang9804 says:


@paigedygert7051 says:

I know what betrayal is.

@markusgrylla8654 says:

Wer Pringelst denn schon morgens um kurz nach 8. Es ist eine Macht, die Keine ist, sich diese als dessen so erbracht. Dann kann es ja nur sein. Das "K" wenn es sich sehnt nachdem die Sonne es aus lacht. Drum zugenäht was weg getreten ist, vom Pferde beschert, wie beschämend der Mensch denn ist. Ist denn keiner da ? Oder ist es : Das 😀 im K ? Beim KGB ….in Ka nada ? Ja dann ist's nicht Alaska, sondern Kanada – Mit Macht des was weg getreten ist. Nämlich die Freiheit die ja soo schwer ist. Nun frohlocket nicht dem falschen Götzen Bilde. Es ist nur das Corona im KGB Gewölbe.

@poltorn4580 says:

Thus is all great and all that, but how do we get ourselves ready for the fight against the wef?

@briechilli4496 says:

Spiritual bypassing ?

@icascone says:

This video in it's shortness makes Tolle sound like an arrogant answer and almost insulting, but of course it is my ego speaking…

@bilgegumus9849 says:

Türkçe altyazı seçeneğini lütfen tüm videolara ekleyebilir misiniz ? Bu seçenek olmadığı için katıl butonunu aktif edemiyorum🙏💙

@SusieAspen says:

Indeed, my half-sister's unexpected introduction of antifreeze into my life provided a profound awakening. It catalyzed a heightened state of conscious awareness akin to that of a vigilant martial artist. Through this experience, I've come to recognize the importance of acknowledging and confronting the depths of betrayal and abuse, rather than bypassing or glossing over them. It's through such confrontations that true healing and transformation can take place.

@Toccataceotto says:

Everyone is fighting each other on this planet in some way or another. I'm tired of all of this, people are not playful : they are dead serious with everything ! Love, Grâce and … Thanks solitude 🌸

@sharminiserasinghe3293 says:

I can't seem to find the logic in forgiving your abusers. They couldn't care less if you forgive them or not because they don't see anything wrong in what they do to you. They say forgiveness is for your own peace of mind but it hasn't for me, because the abuse continues.

@mikeolsen6927 says:

Yes, it's perspective

@Flowersinthekitchen says:

Rejection turns to self pity

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