Neale Donald Walsch (Full Interview) on God, Karma, Destiny, Religion & Much More

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Neale Donald Walsch is a best-selling author of multiple books and has written 39 in all. In this interview, we talk about his latest book, The God Solution – The Power of Pure Love. During our talk, Neale addressed all my questions, which spanned the gamut from God, karma, predestiny, free will, religion, and much more. I’m sure you’re going to get a lot of value out of what Neale Donald Walsch says in this one-hour interview. If you can, please support my channel at the below links. Thank you very much!

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Lookoutforu says:

I'm at 24 min. Im astound, how could anybody like friends family members or even ex let this man being homeless and begging on the street.

Michele Flanagan says:

I like this guy.

Ofer Yuval Zam says:

a few day ago I had an argument with some Jewish religious person who truly thinks or believe that the world was created 5000 years ago or there was no such thing as evulotion ( the truth is I’m not really a big believer in Darwin’s evulotion nor do I think it’s all wrong ) the guy actually thinks that this entire infinite universe is around his book ( not to say I hate the Bible like an etist ) or even that men is some subprime being who has supremely over all the animals and they have no soul.even worst he thinks that non Jewish people has no soul either.I can’t tell you how this guy while isn’t stupid at all but it make me feel like puke.I think in cwg 1 Neil is asking about this question and god ( I’m still consider my worlds carefully because saying god isn’t the same as the Jewish guy? Just that Neil’s god is different?) he answered that we in fact were created by an animal before us in a prosess of millions of years( he doesn’t say it’s a monkey or primal ancestor )just that but also In one moment of now and also he thinks it’s funny that the two things cannot be all together true. Any way I was disgusted by the lack of understanding of the Jewish guy who doesn’t know that he’s brain washed (that how I know he is)
At least Neil is right about one thing for me. Supermesy is the worst idea in the last couple of millions years not to mansion NOW!

RaMan says:

Excellent job. Great interview. I really need to read his books!

chris jennings says:

Chad, what an amazing interview! Thanks for having Neil Donald Walsh on your show. I will have to agree to disagree on some of his answers, But that is okay. That's what keeps life interesting and how we learn from one another. I personally do believe in free will. It seems to make the most sense to me in regards to justification to acts of pure evil personified. It doesn't make sense to say that God is in everything, especially evil personified. God is pure Love, but he is also holy, and just. Evil has to be dealt with, and having a choice of free will presents the POSSIBILITY of evil, depending on ones actions and what they choose. That is what separates God from evil.FREE WILL. To say that God is in all, and in everything is unrational. This concept seems to suggest that people like Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin ect…. That are the very definition of evil personified had God inside of them on some collective God consciousness level of an All PURE loving God. But you take the concept of free will, and it all starts to make sense. They had a choice, and unfortunately choices have consequences. I don't believe these type people go back into a source consciousness in the afterlife, but instead evil must be dealt with and these people are awaiting as the scales are balanced and judgment from a HOLY pure loving God Is there fate. Chad, forgive me for ranting but this one got to me and I had to address it. Keep up the great work brother!

Joann Wright Jarvis says:

Listened again! Soooo 👍 good. Resonates….. in this bizarre simulation . Thank you again Chad. Thank you Mr Walsch 🙏.

Joann Wright Jarvis says:

This is the same information as reality transurfing! This guy Mr Walsch, I'm impressed, he speaks truth and I'm right on track with him and He is right on track with my truth! Chad thank you again! have a blessed day. Namaste.

Jaymi Davern says:

We need a big dose of Cosmic Compassion for all beings!

Brian E. Scott says:

Thank you for your interesting interviews. I am a subscriber. However, that doesn't mean that as a subscriber I will agree with all viewpoints that your guests have, or even for that matter, that you have. That I would say is a good point concerning channels such as yours. Everyone doesn't have to agree with everything that is proposed because otherwise it would be nothing more than another cult. Mr. Walsch is one of the interviewees in which I don't buy their story. I'm not saying that his story cannot be true, I'm saying that I subjectively don't believe.

It seems that everyone of these modern day gurus and/or prophets who propose these ideas have had some kind of supernatural experience, or some type of epiphany that propels them to lead others. Fortunately, that's not how we learn. We have to experience these types of phenomenon objectively. We will never believe deep down that these different supernatural phenomenon, i.e. "god talking to me," type of experiences are real unless it actually happens to us. I just can't merge 'The All' merging an analogy of life by talking about a computerized chess game, but to each his own. I think that 'voice within' Mr. Walsch was his own Higher Self but if he wants to call it God, so be it.

peter wallace says:

It’s interesting this discussion about reincarnation or not… There is no doubt that things we avoid or mess up first time round come round again, but that’s simply because we chose to experience these opportunities to expand our love. They keep coming around as our chosen love experiential lesson. Whether we call it karma or not is not that important…. what matters is that we are the creator of the experiences and we keep going until we master them by expanding our love…

The Muse says:

Amazing 💫💎

The Way of Spirit says:

I don't know what it is, but I get an unpleasant vibe from him. A kind of inner arrogance. Even though I like the stuff he says, I don't get a vibe of deep Light from him. A lot of ego, a sort of intellectual arrogance. Maybe I am wrong, but its what I felt.

Mysterious Moon Bases says:

Kharma Absalulty Exist is this Lifetime I know that Much!
I've Personally Experienced it.

We are cosmic says:

I concur and resonate with a lot of his views and philosophies.. We are all Constantly experiencing "conversations with god" that's the thing we are all individual aspects of god. Reality it's self is "God", there for we are all in commune with one another as well as the collective itself.. We just have to listen, acknowledge the signs.. Follow what we feel is right and try not to confuse the information with originating from "Ego".. but, even the ego is just an individuals aspect of "god". Reality is just waiting for us to change our perception on this "playground or sandbox of life", to realize the divinity with in each and everyone of us and that's all around us

Tatyana Stafeeva says:

Does this piece of cr.. god explained why people suffering in this planet and even don’t know why ? Only shit we getting it’s god plan . Really? Or we in a hell, or god is the evil. There is no better explanation. Rules changed every day , does god give you freedom of choice while it was already pre plan. Here is no freedom of choice , you can only choose from what has been offered . There is no knowledge . You born and die . Also, have a fun by suffering all your life because god wants it .

Elizabeth Grynevich says:

Hi Chad ,thank you for this interview it was very good. I love Neal Donald Walsch I read all his books 20 years ago it make big impact on my life. Do you know there is a movie with this same name " Conversation with God" it was very good movie. Love you.

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