Neale Donald Walsch: God is Pure Love | Next Level Soul #shorts

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Welcome to the Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari, where we ask the big questions about life. Why are we here? Is this all there is? What is my soul’s mission? We attempt to answer those questions and more by bringing you raw and inspiring conversations with some of the most fascinating and thought-provoking guests on the planet today. New episodes of Next Level Soul air every Friday anywhere you listen to podcasts. Let’s take your SOUL to the next level.

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Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent most of his early adult years thriving professionally yet searching for greater meaning in life. He has said that this yearning led to a series of deeply personal spiritual encounters, which he experienced as direct exchanges with the Divine. A series of books titled Conversations with God emerged from those moments and has been translated into 37 languages. Seven books in the series reached the New York Times bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 remained there for over two-and-a-half years.

His latest book is The God Solution, published in December 2020, which invites humanity to embrace a new global ethic based on a refined and clarified definition of God. The book proposes that there is a single statement of spiritual truth upon which all the world’s religions could agree and which would birth a shift of spiritual paradigms around the globe of such magnitude that it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.

19 Years Have Passed Since The Last “Conversations With God” Book Was Published, And Now… Explore The Ideals Of The Highly-Evolved Being With Neale Donald Walsch, And Prepare Yourself For Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Leap Experience 75-Minutes Of Life Transforming Wisdom From The Bestselling Living Legend Behind The Conversation with God Book Phenomenon.

Books in the With God dialogue series, in their order of publication, include: Conversations with God-Books 1-3, Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; Home with God in a Life That Never Ends, and Conversations with God-Book 4.

A series of supplementary texts includes When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012), What God Said (2013), God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong (2014), When God and Medicine Meet, (2016), and The Essential Path (2019).

Walsch presents online retreats and lecture programs for persons around the world, focused on what he calls the most important question facing humanity today. That question: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which would change everything?

In order to deal with the enormous global response to the writings in the Conversations with God body of work, an internet platform has been created at Conversations with God, where the scope and breadth of the CWG messages may be explored in audio, video, and written form, and where readers may get answers directly from the author to any questions they may have about the material.

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, it’s subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Faith Rada says:

Human love is subjective. God's Love is unconditional… FREE oF ALL JUDGEMENT… So yes.. Pure Love.

I had a certain… limited understanding of what "Unconditional Love" is…. and THEN I had an NDE, and was bathed in this Pure Love…. and NOW I grasp how far off the subjective mind of Man is.

There is no comparison between the Mind's CONCEPT of Love and God's REALITY of Pure Love.

The great sage Narada put it this way…
Love can NOT be defined.
Man has, sadly, polluted even this lesser, subjective meaning of the word. Some actually weaponize the word. They withhold their love, using it as a bargaining chip. God NEVER does this.

. PURE Love IS the underlying Constant Support of all universes. It is our actual Essence. Everything else around us is constantly changing… except for this Pure Love. .. which lives beyond all definition.
To define is to Limit, while PURE Love is Unlimited. All just words of course.. UNTIL This Pure Love reveals ITSELF… and leaves us speechless.
Once this Pure Love REVEALS itself we are NEVER the same.

Richard Williams says:

The God he is referring to is definitely not the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible has human characteristics. The Unconditional Love Light presence is our REAL God if you insist on putting a name to it


He does expect something from you. He expects you to love and worship him and to do good works in his name and countless other things. Of course it’s up to you to do this or not. You have the choice. Which do you choose?

somedumbasre says:

Only since the new testament

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