Neale Donald Walsch – God's Biggest SECRET #shorts

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Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger who has brought us over 20 life-changing books and best-sellers, reaching millions of souls. He is the author of one of the most impactful spiritual books of all time – Conversations with God.

Watch Full Interview with Neale Donald Walsch –

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About the Podcast
Just Tap In is a space to remember your place in the greatest awakening in human history. Gen-Z host, Emilio Ortiz, reveals illuminating conversations and deep insights alongside the pioneers in mindset, health, business, science, and spirituality. Together, we are bridging the new consciousness and empowering the next generation of leaders to level up and co-create the New Earth. Humanity’s next evolution begins inward, and this platform serves to accelerate your self-discovery and go within. Every week you will receive relatable nuggets of wisdom and gain practical tools from thought leaders, experts, and mentors. Open mind, open heart.

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Amen thank you Lord for everything❤️🙏

Azazel'sWings says:

Hey… hey you. Yeah you. Don't let those that hurt you also break you, walk away. All of us are here to have a specific experience, so we all have to fill roles. Forgive them, then move on. Don't lose your shine. Shine on. See you on the other side. I love you ALL. ♡

Infinite Corridors says:

Thank you so much 🙏🏆💯

Jennifer Wells says:

Wow! So true ❤️ my oldest girl told me about you ♥️

Michael Earendil says:

Wonderful insight!

Dorine Bennt says:


Tommy Bo says:

Beautiful ❤️🙏♾

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