Neale Donald Walsch – How to break free from poverty & hard times?

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Neale Donald Walsch is an American author of the series Conversations with God.
Before writing the Conversations With God series Walsch worked variously as a radio station program director, newspaper managing editor, and in marketing and public relations. In the early 1990s he suffered a series of crushing blows — a fire that destroyed all of his belongings, the break-up of his marriage, a car accident that left him with a broken neck. Once recovered but alone and unemployed, Walsch was forced to live in a tent in Jackson Hot Springs, just outside Ashland, Oregon, collecting and recycling aluminium cans in order to eat. At the time, Walsch thought his life had come to an end. Despondent, Walsch began his writings after working his way out of homelessness and following a stint as a radio talk show host. In 2003, the film Indigo, written by Neale Donald Walsch and James Twyman and directed by Stephen Simon was released. It chronicled the fictional story of the redemption of a grandfather, played by Walsch, through his granddaughter, who is an indigo child. Conversations With God: The Movie opened in U.S. theaters Friday, October 27, 2006 and in Canada, November 10. The film was released on DVD February 27, 2007

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Lilou Mace says:

Interview Neale Donald Walsh #liloumace #nealedonaldwalsch #poverty

snakebitmgee says:

Why so much cleavage. Neal is thinking, “Lead me not into temptation”

ruben haro says:

It is so sad how many people manifest their STUPIDITY on these comments.

Robert Davis says:

Damn God, I love having dreams and goals in life, oh but wait, if my soul
doesnt agree with them then its ” hey, fuck you mind! “. Oh, then Im
supposed to NOT want them and use these jedi mind fucking tricks to attain
by ” already having ” them in the mind to manifest them into my physical
reality. Give me a fucking break. Fuck this bullshit. Keep your fucking
life. Oh great, I also heard life never truly stops, that wheel in the

bee pollin says:

really…people all you can comment on is the interviewers chest??!! I
think this is a cultural thing….she is dressing as she is
comfortable….Probably is out of comfort zone for us americans….but not
for her…the breast is NOT just a sexual thing people…GEEZ….I thought
the converstaiton was very interesting and KUDO’S to Lilou…for being
feminine and full of God and smart…asking good questions!!

THE-MED says:

I ain’t looking into nobody’s eye for 60sec until in my girlfriend. Two men
steering each others in the eyes is just plain weird.

E Galindo says:

It suits me just fine, regardless of the stupid comments of people who
think they “know”

J. Michael Christophre says:

“to see the Gift” ♥♥♥

Lisa Bailey says:

I’m no prude, but inappropriate dress for sure….

amandria1 says:

I love the honesty of many of your subjects

AnkaAnki says:

“… well, I’m not sure about Republicans” Haha, that was a good one :D

Connie Harris says:

Thanks for interview but could not get
Passed the cleavage hanging out of dress. Was
That worn on purpose?

karmel stone says:

wake up people its time.

J. Michael Christophre says:

“to see the Gift” ♥♥♥

william thornton says:

Ironic that probably the people that need to hear things like this most
don’t have access to youtube a computer etc and even if they did I’d bet
watching a video like this would be lastly on there things to do. But who


We cant break free from poverty , we all have a predetermined pathway on
earth .
some of us may end up financially fortunate , but it will be at God and the
Angels leisure, 

Baptiste Saunier says:

Super Lilou,merci pour toutes ces videos tellement enrichissantes :)

Alexandra Martin says:

Neil never looked at them! He is very spiritual.

Judy Joy says:

Wonderful interview, really enjoyed it! you ask just the right questions
Lilou, keep up the good work and thanks to you both, God bless!

AirFiveR says:

I think he is struggling to keep his eyes on the divine instead of the
blatent boobage in front of him… be kinder Lilou and make it easier for
your male interviews than tempations of the orbs. There is a time and a
place for clevage and I noticed your interviewees seem a bit uncomfortable.
Ex. Dr. Dyer

Hermit Showdown says:

why does she even wear a dress

David J says:


shantife nevve says:

i’m straight girl but all i did was kept staring at breasts of host,
revealing dress lol

mrzack888 says:

lilou has a nice rack

1111MANA says:

Hey nice lapel mics,as for your beautiful boobs well what can I say.

prince atom says:

an anti Christ is one who betrays their own divine nature.

openscorpionmind says:

absolutely amazing!!!!!

Ron Paul says:

Lilou you’re making Neale uncomfortable, you’re giving off “Fuck me” vibes
when Neale is married and just trying to explain some of the concepts in
his books.

B Periodic says:

[21:00 – 21:30] So enlightenment through conversation with God taught him
that looking into the eyes of Republicans 21:22 can’t get you in touch with
their souls even though the method works for every other human possible.
Sounds like a very non-inclusive God to me. I have an inclining that he
wouldn’t mention it to be an exception for even for the worst terrorist in
the world. Looks like spirituality does not save one from the political

Bill Trotter says:

impacted her low cut dress, oy!

Herman Spee says:


Sean Misterlinski says:

Good interview, thanks.

Stefan Zeulner says:

Learn how to make money with youtube marketing.

Joe Swanson says:

I wanna get rich and have a chick with big tits like that. 

Ladyserenityful says:

When he is talking about the meaning of love I could see how Jesus looked
at us at the cross. He was so out of Him and into us that He was and is in
love with us. When you see it this way you really see how much He loves us.
God is great and to know He loves us so much is the best feeling in the
world and it helps us to now look at God out of us and into Him and fall in
love with Him.


If you dont get your fortune on earth you will get it in Heaven , for
eternity every thing your heart desires and more 

Diana Lo-A-Njoe says:

Wonderful how Lilou breaks the cliché that spirituality has to go together
with a Mother Theresa outfit. Well done , Lilou!

mrsmarciad says:

What a lovely interview from man who has been through so much and have the
guts to share his enlightenment to us all to think about. Carry on the good
work Mr. Walsch.

John Strat says:

What is amazing are her huge tits.

Daulton Baird says:

I love Neale’s honesty.

Bruce Adams says:

Great interview…I agree with almost all that was presented here with the
one exception regarding the ego getting a bad rap…later in the interview I
heard that there comes a time when we go beyond ego and that part is
true…in Prophet or Madman I wrote about serving the ego and the spirit as
being the only choice we have any given moment…as I see things we have all
come here to experience life in order to eventually experience our True
essence beyond ego…ego is not good or bad but merely a false identity…as
long as we focus on the ego (False Evidence Appearing Real) we make it
impossible to see Spirit (our divinity).
Love and Light
Brother Bruce 

Daulton Baird says:

Lilou are you there? Does it really matter if you blink? I can’t even go 60
seconds not looking at anything without blinking.

Marlene Stevens says:



I have only wrote one book, so far though. But many more lay in waiting. It
breaks it down; cleaning up your background noise; improving your self
talk, for giving everything and everyone. The only rules that you can break
are the ones you make. 

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