Neale Donald Walsch on Abundance

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Mark Pontius says:

I understand exactly what Neale describes about voices and eternal joy and
happiness. It’s not voices in a physical human sense but another type of
voice almost indescribable. I experience this through deep meditation – and
so can you. It’s always there like he said, you just have to know how to
tap into it.

ForHeShallSave says:

No mention of Jesus? No mention of the gospel or even of salvation through

This sounds to me like doctrines of demons. Yes they can mimic angelic
emotions and fears. I’ve felt it myself in the ‘new age’ religion. Believe
me, it changes. It gets dark and you get trapped. It’s an addiction. Be
warned I too have been through this, it’s NOT nice.

I have since come to the LORD in mind and body. No man or entity can take
me from the LORDS hand. No one. And this lecture is NOT Godly, it’s manly.
And men lie. There is NO way to the father BUT through Christ.

Ty Chang says:

I too heard the voice

ruben haro says:

All the having is not separate from all the being. Is not God all? Walsh is
so dualistic. I would rather listen to an atheist.

King Haze says:

i realized everything is one on ecstacy, but sometimes i forget. Also
emotions are not only shared but manifested, so peace is my goal. Love is
the our destination.

Lisa Bailey says:

Thank you for sharing this video, it contains many gems of knowledge and
his delivery makes them both understandable and actionable. I am watching
myself for “self righteous” thoughts (which are nothing but bad habits and
you know it!) and I hope everyone who has commented here has first taken
the time to watch the entire video, there was a reason you were looking at
this page, does it make you feel uncomfortable? Awesome! keep going, you
are growing!

“Seperation Theology” perfectly reflects how I feel about world religions.
Of course it would make you feel good to believe “I am part of the chosen
few!” who doesn’t want to feel imortant and special, but at what cost?

BTW: In essence, I believe in Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna and every
other philosophy or individual who can help me become a better human being,
because that’s the whole point, right?

May we all appreciate our similarities and respect our differences. Amen!

Lora Gunter says:

Hello Everybody! This video came to me today. 🙂 Awesome! LOVE it.
Want to leave a note because it was nice and soothing. Be LOVE.
Mr. Walsch, my friend, it is a pleasure and delight to meet you. I
appreciate the timing of our meeting and I recognize the time and space of
it within my journey.
Excited to connect more.
Feeling the GRATITUDE,

ivessup lacarma says:

wow this guy is awesome! i learned a lot from him and God this weekend!
Thank you!! ^-^

Owenthesheppard says:

this is so good

David J says:

Let’s give him the old job relationship one two number – exactly. A
powerful video

Claudio Taboada says:

Este hombre viene de dios..y sus libros son la palabra de dios

easternEurope77 says:

Thank you very much Llija for uploading this video. I know that I am.
Every day I grow in the knowledge of I am.

Logan Armstrong says:

I started having a fit of tears the other day while listening to the 3rd
book. I think it came from the realization that I understood I was
listening to the words of God. During the experience of having
uncontrollable tears and actually crying out loud, it felt as if I had a
thing over my head with the pleasant feeling that it was sucking something
up straight out of me or if not out of me then just out enough to be
connected to something else. This feeling was so amazing though not one I’d
choose to share in front of anyone as I was 100% unable to stop crying but
it felt so good that I feared trying to make it stop in case it did. I love
you :)

L Martin says:

My life has been changed..Awesome

Pedro Maya says:

Ahora se de donde vengo, que ago aquí y a donde voy; saber que vivo la
eternidad porque ahora he comprendido la verdad callada.

Ronese Bach-Kidd says:

When was this video made? Who is his wife? I didn’t know he was married?


he is /i am so great 

Henrik Hansen says:
Dannie Toms says:

He is Excellent Human Being!!! Great Messenger ;o)


I had this experience also; some difference; and different question to
start the dialog between me and God. But, the amount of information that
comes is crazy; and you are drawn to write it down day in and night time
too. I to wrote a book and I too have a drive to share the information
given to me to share. 

David L Reed says:
Michael JoToya Jackson says:

I just watched a 1 1/2 movie called conversation with God that movie was
about you and your life wasn’t….?? Well the actor sure was made up to
look like someone like you if not. But there was one important element
missing, yes it’s true there is a God one true, but you forgot one thing he
sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ down here to die for our sins so
that we will have the opportunity to surrender our free will see him and
his son to have everlasting life in heaven as it is here on PE


We are not God. We are not the creator of the universe. God made light and
darkness, the sun for day and the moon for night. I thank God what alot of
this man is saying is totally false. Believe the Bible. Love in Jesus. 

Vickren Curpen Naick says:

I’m sorry for hurting the guys who love me. I am sorry but stop it. I will
try to change.

Jane Chavez Umali says:

This video should be viewed by all. Neal’s message to the 10% who owns 90%
of the planet & the resources should be heard!

Anne Marie says:

The Old Con and Cannot Sea.

Check the prices on his website!

Ha Ha Ha


He’s like a Hindu but even more messed up, everything is God, God =
everything. False reality. He says God is not an image we’ve made up in our
minds but he is doing just that and teaching others they are God too.

If we were all one like he says we are then why don’t we all have sex with
his wife then, do you think he’d be happy about that? Proves my point we
are not all one as he claims. 

karmamonade says:

Neal. I became a fullfledge buddhist in 1994. Upon reading your books I
became a fullfledge human being. Bless you my son.
Karma Mingyur Palden

Li Jennifer says:

why he told us to watch raunchy sexual movies?that’s not a godly

Janet Smith says:

Neale. Can you explain why you wear glasses? Seems to me if you know how to
get whatever you want you would want perfect eyesight. I don’t get it.

gina bower says:

Wow!!!!!!! My life is changing drastically , i am so surprised myself I
have no words to describe the things happening to me after i started
applying all this and really understanding the amount of love and
compassion and unity I do feel , things are turning 180% for me!!!! Thank
you to all the people that carry this message of truth…i am amazed

Supernova Su says:

Term “One” is a bit problematic if you don’t explain it properly. Thinking
we are all One person is a bit.. scary. We are One in methaphysical, not
mathematical way. We are One in terms of life substance, it is same God,
same life force in me as in you. But, as individualized portions of God, of
that divine life force, we are differentiated one from another. But not
separate because substance is undividable.

Janusz Kosielski says:

His voice is so: calm, soothing, restful, healing, truthful, sincere.
That’s the best rest for my soul in lifes journey. Just stop on moment on
this highway.


I think the thing about receiving the information; is that you have to need
it from a much deeper place within you. I had prayed to God many times and
got nothing; but something was different when I ask my questions this time.
I was on the edge of life and death; and I desperately needed my questions
answered. I didn’t just get one or two questions answered, every question
ever asked of god, the answer to them were revealed to me in the coming
days, nights, months, and even now years. I have a solid connection; to my
source and the information continues to this day. I am so driven to share
it that I spend most of my waking hours sharing with anyone that will read
what I write. I can’t not do what I do; even if I really wanted to; I can’t
not share what has been shared with me. I am looking for others, that have
had experiences such as Neal and I have had; it is my mission to connect
all the dots meaning all the teachers out there that have the same drive to
share special ways of life, thinking, talking, and doing. Help me connect

Zuey Tsui says:

Wonderful. Thanks for sharing this video. I appreciate it very much. It’s
just so good. Be the Source. Be who you really are. God is here with you
because I AM here. 

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