Neale Donald Walsch on Manifestation

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Full 30 minute interview at
Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God (Book I) sold more than 7.5 million copies and stayed on the New York Times best sellers list for a phenomenon 137 weeks. His latest project, The Global Conversation, poses 7 questions that Walsch hopes will change our cultural story to create a reality much closer to a type of heaven here on earth. “Food, water and energy will become major crisis points unless we wake up and change the way we are doing life here on earth,” he says. “Seek thee first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you.” Check out Eloise’s conversation with Neale Donald Walsch at

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MrDeppness says:

The truth is “the Secret” is full of crap. Well of course you will see more
opportunities for advancement of whatever kind if you are always thinking
about and consciously looking for it. We don’t need a 2 hour film about
that. The fact is, if the universe was just waiting for everyone to wish
their perfect life into existence everyone would already have that life.
But in reality, what we want might conflict with what someone else wants,
or even worse, what God has in store for us. So what then? That film has
brainwashed so many unthinking people.

Willy Wacker says:

Hi does anyone know the name of the lovely music of the background in this
video? Thanks

camille yui says:

It’s easy to down talk about cars, homes and jewels WHEN you already made

Bob Reilly says:

☜❤☞~seek ye first!! ☜❤☞~the kingdom of God” ☜❤☞~ And all these things will
☜❤☞~be added on to you!! ☜❤☞~

Joyce Louison says:

Your are right. that is our purpose in life. to wake up and to wake
everyone else up. However there are several paths leading to the one
destination. And we should not judge so that we ourselves are not Judged by
the same standards. As people begin to realize that their thought are
important and has an effect on reality. They themselves begin to shift
focus. Many people may have been lead to you words by that movie. you never

Teodor Velikov says:

Sorry, but your life IS about you. If you don’t take care of yourself first
you have NOTHING to give others. 

wendy Rurak-Turner says:

And here’s my thing…Yes! it is all about the world and being ‘other’s’
focused, but you know if you are starving and broke and sick and worried to
death because the bill collectors are after you or whatever then its
definitely hard for someone to get in to the place of letting your
manifestations NOT be for your self and your family. Or if you are in great
pain, how would you not want your attraction to be for your own care?
There’s a balance and it’s alot easier to preach other focused attraction
when you are set and well fed. I’m just saying..Neale I don’t know that you
started your journey “Others” focused either. Maybe part of our journey
each of us is getting to that place that when your own cup runs over that
you are only then able to look beyond your own lack and basic needs.
I had a friend who was working on her attraction and it was virtually
impossible for her to do anything other than be terribly afraid when they
were showing up at her door and wanting payment right then! It shook
everything she believed in.

Durelene Francois says:

Neale you’re a genius 

Sepp Reinders says:

well said

Telmen Enkhjargal says:

I kind of disagree with Mr. Walsh on the Secret, the concept of asking and
wishing upon what you want works but it is not easy. Asking for world peace
would have to be the number one wish of everyone before it can happen
because it affects everyone. Realistically, world peace is not what
everyone wants first because each and everyone of us have our own needs
which supersedes world peace. If you dont even have enough to feed
yourself, do you think that person would want world peace compared to his
own meal? What makes you happy is not the same to what makes me happy, that
is the concept that the secret is trying to show…

ruben haro says:

How did he go from rags to riches. Does it mean he is a philanthropist?
Remember he was sued for plagiarizing a story from an elementary schooler
earlier this year.

Khadijah Aminu says:

You should have called the producer attention to your views..before hopping
in..but ehh we all are still learning and getting better everyday…Lets
all manifest Peace and Love on Earth…So be it!! <3 

ruben haro says:

Another preacher.

Ciprian Surduc says:

Thank you, man!:-)

Isaac Lewis says:

Love his perspective

StudioSjaak says:

Good God! Neale, you were actually in the film you down talk! I disagree
with what you say. A way to world peace is to first acknowledge without
judging, that material riches are not ‘lesser’ then spiritual values. Why
create a duality between the two? Take OSHO’s advice, let man be whole.
He’s entitled to be rich in a material way and also in a spiritual way,
Then you have the best of both. To enjoy a mountain drive in a beautiful
car, (like the totally electricTESLA, a real wow-car!!) is as nice as a
deep meditation in which you feel completely connected to the source of
your existence. You want world peace? And a shift in values? Then please
don’t tell people that wanting material things is lesser than the spiritual
values. Many people are in conflict with themselves and others because of
this judgement on wealth while the whole planet has enough abundance for
all of us. Let us be whole, both spiritually and materially: they are one.

this guy from Germany says:

I still don’t know, what to make of Mr. Walsh – but I surely tend to
remember, that he himself took part in this very movie he talks about with
despise ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garfield McCalla says:


GrandpaNeko says:

I doubt Neale knew the full content of The Secret prior to speaking in the
movie. I think it is perfectly okay to look back and say that it was not
what he had expected. He is upset because it was going against what he
originally intended to portray, and in order to make change, you must first
acknowledge the mistakes. He isn’t being judgemental, he is trying to
redirect intention “This is the right way to go”.

Alice Hesselrode says:

YES YES YES this is good this is good! Seek first the kingdom of God. I
have been feeling like the new age, new thought movement has been taken
over by materialism. Not much different than the fundamental Christian
prosperity scam that if you are a good Christian God will bless you by
giving you material possessions. Yes God is interested in expansion,
expansion of our consciousness. Sometimes that involves events that aren’t
so joyful. Glad he brought up the Dali Lama. I am sure it wasn’t fun
leaving Tibet. And Tich Nhat Hanh, my God the suffering that man endured.
Sometimes these are the things that allow our consciousness to expand.
BTW I did not see the movie the “Secret”

Darija Zubić says:

As far as i know Neal was actually in The Secret 🙂 . I think people
sometimes need to go through phase of wanting and getting even material
things for themselves in order to understand it’s not making them happy.
Then they will search for something more and different. It’s part of the
process, nothing wrong with it…

Randall Fountain says:
this guy from Germany says:

I used to adore Mr.Walsh and also, to envy him – I surely hope, he has gods
blessing and is on the ‘right side’ of our existence :-)

Chieh Hsien Li says:

i think it’s a process, can’t just get there immediately
like… right now, in this society, a car or a house really makes me happy.

Filizsuzan Fidan says:

Maalesef alt yazı yok ama paylaşmadan duramadım. Müthiş!

Martin Hreben says:

Thank you so much for such great inspiration. Your speaking is so clear,
simple and truthful to me that I can see so much beauty which is in
everything around and I am so blind, busy, sad and averything else to see
it everytime.
Thank you.

Katerina Chatzistefanou says:

i adore this. it touched my heart and made me realise what are the
important things in life! 

Parmod Kumar says:

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