Neale Donald Walsch on Who or What is God?

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Full 30 minute interview at
Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God (Book I) sold more than 7.5 million copies and stayed on the New York Times best sellers list for a phenomenon 137 weeks. His latest project, The Global Conversation, poses 7 questions that Walsch hopes will change our cultural story to create a reality much closer to a type of heaven here on earth. “Food, water and energy will become major crisis points unless we wake up and change the way we are doing life here on earth,” he says. “Seek thee first the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added unto you.” Check out Eloise’s conversation with Neale Donald Walsch at

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MrDeppness says:

I think mister Walsh here is quite confused about something. God calling
himself the Alpha and Omega is not saying everything in between is God. He
is saying that all things come from him and with him all things are to find
their place in the end. We are creations of God, not God ourselves. Sure we
have attributes of God in us, and nature speaks to us the ways of God’s
character, but we are all seeds of God’s thought. Our job is not to make
ourselves God, but to make ourselves closer to God and living for God and
all that is good.

Lei Shri Krama says:

The guy does not feel like he is connected with any true source, too
intelligent to be honest, I will not buy any of his speech, designed to
please the mass of ignorant people…

宋高飞 says:


Paul Stone says:

Neale Donald Walsch is a liar and a MONSTER charlatan who is wise enough to
know that people prefer to be lied to so that they do NOT have to take
responsibility for ANY of the INTENTIONAL mischief of their lives. Sure, no
Ten, or ANY other type of Commandment that is simply common to normal human
decency. Take your neighbor’s wife, God wants you to be happy. It all
sounds(possibly [even}) good until you examine his “books” more closely.
This maniac says in ONE of them that children should be ALLOWED to PLAY
NAKED and to EXPLORE ONE ANOTHER’S BODIES, like he wants to do with your
wife. He is a PERVERT and a DEVIL, for even SATAN transforms himself into
an angel of light. Watch him, it will show in due season, count on it.

Anthony Testa says:

Too many people still believe that God is an old man with a bear sitting on
a throne passing judgement on all of us. Religion gives God human traits,
like jealousy and anger, what kind of a God is that, but a limited God, and
by our own ideas about God. God is much bigger than we can understand. Neal
is just a man who had an experience, now he is trying to open our minds and
ask questions. Everyone should as well. God is everywhere and in everyone.
If you were to think that way how would you behave towards others. He
message is about conscious living.

africanblackgold says:

Judgements and opinions are very easy to have. Truth spiritual wisdom
comes not from ones ego but from your true spiritual self, It is meant to
edify the spirit and to lift the soul to a higher state of consciousness.
For some, Neale Donald Walsch has been a path to higher spiritual wisdom
but not for others. If it does not serve your soul, move forward to your
next journey but allow others to explore without your dark words of disdain
and negative energy. 

TheTraveler says:

Jesus taught us that “The Kingdom of God is within you”, and in “A Course
in Miracles” he further reinforces this statement with “YOU ARE the Kingdom
of God”. Anyone could talk to God at anytime, our soul is in constant
communion with the Almighty, but few listen. By the way, I am Buddhist, and
regardless of whatever religion, its the spiritual substance that matters,
forgo all forms and only give attention to the spiritual meaning.

ruben haro says:

In that case riches and abundance are God too. What a hypocrite.

Paul Stone says:

If you CLOSELY read his books,you will see what kind of monster this dog
REALLY is. He’s riding his own gravy train with millions of people and
millions of their dollars straight into hell; and they will gnash upon HIM
with their teeth.

Dhanur Dhar says:

do not use blasphemy with her dude, look what did she asked you first….

sal john says:

I pressed God on you tube and there he was”Neale” talking about a demon
God,not the true God I know. Demon God will tell you there are no
commandments to live a life without rules and full of sin. You are free to
sin,that’s what Satan want from you,to be free from God. Another religion
is born all we need is to name it,is this what God wants? I don’t think so.
Do not forget God’s word.

Timothty Burdette says:

obey God’s commandments and you will be blessed.

teya Asavaroengchai says:

Any of you guys have read his books? You’d better…..
Criticize without knowing what’s in the books is just a blind criticism. 

sal john says:

My father passed away in 1997,in 2001 he whispered in my ear and said”leave
your girlfriend,she is not good for you,she will bring sadness to your
life”,I woke up and I rebuked him and told him to go to hell,you know
why?,because I knew God is about love and if that advice shows no love what
so ever,then it is the devil imitating my fathers voice to convince me to
do evil against the woman that gave me love and everything a man wants a
woman to be. How easy is to be fooled by a demon if God is not your

Oriano Form says:

by the way I experience the same.
God is speaking to everybody that wants to listen …
If you haven´t heard or seen him yet you did not really want to listen.
That´s not his mistake – do you understand?

wiggsplit says:

+Martin Ellacott And who are you to speak of another’s personal experience?
Just because you have not had the same experience does not mean it does not

Geo Guitar Guy says:

Obviously the guy has mental/emotional issues, totally off his head. Made a
few bob though!

jon iad says:

gods real we are god if u say god isnt real the nwe arent real n that is
totaly false

Wayne Brittain says:
Merocean says:

Slick? Cult? If you met Jesus Christ himself you’d never recognize him
because he’d seem to be another new age hippie cult leader.

KKOPPI says:

I recognize everything but Christ in you. open up your mind.

coolchicnfriends says:

i love how Neale makes you think instead of telling you what to think. just
like you can’t change people or their beliefs you can only inspire people
to change. there’s a famous quote “be the change you want to see in this
world.” so change starts with yourself because changing other people is
like a full time job.

Multi3373 says:

All 9 Books. LOL. Your right though, maybe I should repent and live the
same as you, in anger and fear – Which truth from God are you referring?
Ill check it out.

Benny Sikter says:

That is not true. (There is no hell or lake of fire.)

KKOPPI says:

even if I were that deadly dangerous sinner, if you were a real christian
you’d always try to avoid the path of violence. who gave you the right to
judge my life by saying it is ‘sinful’. in addition I want to ask you
something. should we all do the opposite to what Walsch is saying in these
vids? well good luck with continuing to mess up this world.

Dave Furgess says:

Do not trust aging bearded new age hippie cult leaders!

THE RENN says:

Neale Donalad walsch is headed for eternal Hell for Mis-representing the
Almight God who is Jesus Christ… and one day he will stand before the
Great White throne judgment and will then be cast into the lake of Fire!

KKOPPI says:

Good luck with youtube strikes.

ClickToPreview says:

Is it a sin to kill and destroy? And yet, the Israelites were COMMANDED to
kill and destroy because God said so. Sin is a myth, and God is a two-faced
entity proven throughout the Old AND New Testament. Jesus killed a fig tree
because it looked at him wrong. If you commit to an act that in your heart
is evil, but God says it’s ok, then you need to find another God. But
apparently, God works in mysterious ways, killing as he will and letting
YOU kill too. Fuck this God. He is Evil.

KKOPPI says:

isn’t it ironic that you, the ‘real christian’ are the only grumpy angry
non-jesus-like-acting person in the comment section?

VerdeckterVermittler says:

Neale rocks.

jsb779 says:

Love this.

Multi3373 says:

I have been searching for an undefinable truth all my life. It seems to me
after reading all of his books that this philosophy is the only one that
can answer every question and every objection in an almost perfect and
beuatiful way. It gives me certainty and total clarity.

nfcoard says:

Certainly the best answers I’ve ever come across.

Dave Furgess says:

he’s a very slick con artist!

Multi3373 says:

Sell your crazy somewhere else – I’m not buyin! God Bless ya.

Multi3373 says:

Hi Meech – so what makes the philosophy/religion/ancient-teachings you
identify with RIGHT and all 2000 other religions/ancient-teachings and
philosophies WRONG. And dont you think that this flawed belief system is
the fundamental problem with our world and its people? Have you actually
read all his books? Perhaps because I have been seeking God, God was made
known to me through several hundred books and people I have experienced? I
think you need to look at God differently and without prejudice

KKOPPI says:

im starting to think you’re a troll btw.

ClickToPreview says:

Everyone hears the voice within. This is NOT God. God is not a person. This
idea that God has a personality is based on the fact the WE have a
personality, and we want God to have something similar. This doesn’t
discount the Universal Laws that exist that we can either embrace or shun.
This voice is what made me buy a 12-pack and a pack of cigarettes tonight,
even though I tried to say NO to this voice. Or, it can be the voice which

artistxmusic says:

I love Neale Donald Walsch! Great, great teacher! I actually wrote a song
based on Conversations with God I was so inspired by it. It’s on my channel
if you’re interested.

Martin Ellacott says:

Talking to god? This man is certifiably insane. There is no god.

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