Neale Donald Walsch ~ The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love

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Neale Donald Walsch, bestselling author of the Conversations with God series, discusses his book The God Solution: The Power of Pure Love.

What is needed now is for humanity to agree on the most important topic in human history. If we do so, we can produce spectacular results, changing life on Earth for the better—forever. This is not out of our reach. In The God Solution, acclaimed spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch explores how we can bring an end to anger, violence, disagreements between people and nations, financial hardships, poverty, starvation, and the suffering of millions. He explains how we can bring peace, prosperity, security, opportunity, and joy to people around the world. In short, all that humanity has ever hoped for or dreamt of—and what we were truly meant to experience—can be ours. This could happen virtually overnight. And it can be done with the embracing of a single idea.

Neale Donald Walsch has written 39 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Seven of the nine books in his Conversations with God series have made the New York Times Bestseller list, with Book One remaining on that list for 134 weeks. His titles have been translated into 37 languages. He is the creator of CWG Connect ( ), a global online platform connecting people who wish to more deeply explore the messages in the CWG body of work. His latest book is The God Solution. He may be reached at

Banyen Books is Canada’s most comprehensive bookstore specializing in spirituality and healing. Located in Vancouver, Canada, since 1970, Banyen is open for in-person browsing as well as web & mail orders. Visit for books, products, and upcoming events.

Host: Ross McKeachie
Event Organizer & Podcast Producer: Jacob Steele

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@defxxx67 says:

Neale D Walsch is my favourite co author CWG thank you Neale.God love you. I love listening to the audio books 🙏
Neale has a good habit of asking the right questions 🙏

@defxxx67 says:

Thank u Neale

@kopanosstefanosofficial says:

Hi master Neal. I am thankful.

@kruggiero says:

Wonderful! Thank- you for sharing the wisdom that flows through Neal Donald Walsch!

@lizafield9002 says:

I loved this. A God solution (every human on Earth saying, "ok, God is pure love,") would still leave our usual Cain & Abel dilema. Rivalry. Envy. Revenge. Self preservation. "Am i my brother's keeper?" "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"
People at one church, saying one Apostles Creed, still disparage & laugh at each other, & crucify the rector, or the old wheezing usher. People in Congress profess devotion to the Bible & still think (or express!) murderous thoughts toward environmentalists, gun control advocates & educators who may also be Christians. Nick Fuentes the "Christian Nationalist" disparages "Jews," & forgets Jesus WAS a Jew. As was St Paul. And Peter & John, Mother Mary, etc.
Ken Wilber in studying consciousness growth noted that someone at stage 2 ("me, everyone serve meee!") as we all are in early childhood, will understand "pure love" very differently from a stage 6 global minded person of the same religion, family, etc.
Just a thought. Humankind is a multi grade schoolroom, they say. People in one church pew may vary a lot.

@LyndaJay says:

🌟Beautiful teachings.
🌟Such wisdom IMHO

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