Neale Donald Walsch Tomorrow god part 2 – happy new WORLD – HAPPY NEW YEAR – WE ARE ONE

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I AM THAT, I AM Israel Kelly OnenessProjectLight says:

Years ago I watched one of your videos on Conversations with GOD and
found your explanation very useful. Time has past and the unconscious
browsing on tube page became a daily interest. After many videos, books and
all information I could have my hands on from many others highly evolved
individuals as yourself; I asked and it was given to me. Fully coalesced
with nonphysical having the “remembrance of before physical form and “The
Knowing” that allows me to move through different realities, fully emerged
with Source to fulfill a purpose on my own, bringing light and
unconditional love to humanity. You were part of my initial steps..My
endless gratitude.

ALL-round .Filosofie says:

happy new year,happy new born,happy new WORLD 

ALL-round .Filosofie says:

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