Neale Donald Walsch – When Everything Changes, Change Everything – Interview

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This is an interview from way back in 2009. Neale Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations With God discusses his latest book, When Everything Changes, Change Everything.
Neale’s headshotS Photo credit: Christopher Briscoe

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Sheela Than says:

Thank you and bless you for making spirituality more practical and accessible to all!

Fiona Hovsepian says:

God bless him & anyone supporting peace & love as a solution.

satdocndm says:

Hello, I appreciate the work that you are doing to enlighten
and help others in their spiritual journey.

There are so many lonely, hurting, lost souls in the world
right now.  Well I bring you good news
right now.

I too am in soul work and want to introduce a book that has
many hidden secrets that will be a blessing for you if you are ready to receive

The book “Fountain of Truth Uncovering the Devil’s Lies”
will open up the understanding of a person causing them to be (one) in mind,
body, and spirit and accessible to their Creator.  It will help you to realize that there is
hope, and more for anyone including you, when you are being guided by the right
Spirit, that I know as the Holy Spirit of YAH.  
It will teach you that through Yahshua the Son of Elohim also known as
Jesus the Son of God, you can have Salvation through acceptance of Him. 

“Fountain of Truth Uncovering the Devil’s Lies” will help
those who are being captivated or tortured to realize all the more that they
are in need of spiritual counsel in order to break those strongholds and make
them free to do the will of Yahweh.  For
it is YAH who desires only good for you and I. 
There is an absolute Good.

 And there is an
absolute evil.  This book will reveal how
Satan has deceived and continues to deceive so many.  This book will let them know that they can be
forgiven, relieved in their heart, and experience the power of forgiveness and
peace in their soul. 

We are willing workers, but need your financial support in
order to give out more books.  Will you
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charge, and our goal is distribute many more to anyone who is in dire need of
this blessing as we are supported by people like you who care for the hurt and lost
souls.  In other words, as people sow
seeds into this ministry, it enables us to sow seeds into the harvest field of
the kingdom.

People we must stand together with faith and realize that we
are our brothers’ keepers.  Buy the book
“Fountain of Truth Uncovering the Devil’s Lies” today by clicking on one of the
links below and purchase a book for yourself and someone else who you know is
really ready for a positive change in their lives, and this could also apply to

At Spirit and Truth Disciples of Yahshua NDM we will believe
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PayPal to SATDOCNDM; Profile Ministry of Spirit and Truth
Disciples of Yahshua Ministry NDM. 

Sow your seed of $25 or more and be a blessing.  Not only what you sow will help you, but it
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allow three weeks for delivery. Thank you.

If you want to get book sooner go to one of the links below:

Links to book Fountain of Truth, Uncovering the Devil’s Lies

Realityiswhat youmakeit says:

@SusieWhitney I form the light And create the darkness I make peace and create Evil I the Lord do all things Isaiah 45:7

Doreen Bennett says:

I Affirm

Mustafizur Rahman says:

Dear, most respectable and honorable The Neale Donald Walsch

Extremely sorry



Susie Whitney says:

This man thinks that everything is God so therefore he must think that rape & poverty & shame & destructive suffering & evil is God!!! He thinks that this fallen world is God! This world is a mess because people do things their way & think their own thoughts & ideas & ways are from God, like he does,… & what a mess we are in because of that!
Sadly what this man is feeding people is yummy tasting but harmful junkfood . This man considers himself successful by convincing himself & others that all his own musings & thoughts are God speaking to him, so in essence he is trying to be his own God despite his own human limitations.
To justify his ways of thinking, his life & his feelings of 'success' he's really making himself feel relevant & important by selling his tasty product that can to some extent fill some cravings in some people for a while because this world is full of hurting people who've been belittled & made to feel irrelevant & so are longing to be told their life & thoughts & feelings & existence is important & has purpose (which it certainly does), but PLEASE not by getting caught up in all this man is saying.
Many non-truths & partial truths can to some extent seem to fill a hole in us for a time because of the small bits of truths mixed in with the rest of the stuff, but that doesnt make it all true.

ITS LIKE YUMMY JUNK FOOD (like a bag of flavoured potato chips etc) – yes there's seemingly one or two good ingredients, but its been cooked up in harmful GMO oil, & the potato & oil are not grown /developed/sourced properly but are instead grown in poisoned nutritionless over-used soil, & are sprayed with poisonous chemicals that the majority of people want to believe are beneficial & wont really hurt them (because they want to believe that) & all the artificial additives & flavourings also taste great but are also very harmful to us.
People who devour what this mans is feeding them are feeling that its temporarily fulfilling a craving where theyve been starving & it seems to fill them up & it may contain a tiny bit of good nutrient value (some partial truths), but the mostly empty calories & the harm that all the other ingredients cause eventually ALWAYS manifests its damage within us – harming & limiting us severely in the long run, if not sooner.

Any truth/semi-truth is only a crumb & a sign-post to point us to the source of that truth, which is God Himself, but many people want only a few truths/semi-truths to fill an initial craving & to somehow vaguely seem to improve their circumstances or feelings, but our lives & purpose will always severely lack what is truly available to us if we are willing to settle for so little.

God loves us more than any human being ever could, & Gods thoughts & ways are far greater than anything this man can yet understand or portray. This man is simply like many people who can say some things that may have an essence of truth that encourages other people, but the other people get caught up believing the whole mixture of ingredients along with it & so never find the Source of those few truths, & so cant see & divide the few truths from all the partial truths & non-truths that are all mixed together to make this saleable product.

God is FAR BIGGER & BETTER than our thoughts, feelings & circumstances could ever be if we will dare to let Him into our lives by letting Him be GOD by humbly admitting we are far lesser beings than He is, & that we need Him & His great love, influence & reign to rule over our life (teaching, guiding, protecting & loving us perfectly etc). but we have to give Him access to us HIS WAY.
God IS available to EVERYONE no matter how smart/challenged, able/disabled, weak/strong, confident/broken we seem, as long as we're willing to humble ourselves & admit our failings, our lack & our sins, & our need for God & His forgiveness, mercy & kindness that He wants to bestow upon us if we will truly let Him be our God because His perfect love will never force Himself & His ways upon us, We cant make Him into our own image of what we want Him to be, because then we are still God over our own life & our 'god' is just our own fantasy!
We just need to be humble enough to admit we need the ONLY ONE who can & will forgive us, save us, deliver us & make the way for us to God – Jesus Christ! by accepting Him & all He has done for us when He carried our sins & took our punishment for us on the Cross, IF we will accept it by repenting of our sins, of which the biggest sin has been being our own God & trying to run things ourself &/or trying to control God & use Him for our selfish ways/means/ideas/concepts!.

Manie Nudelman says:

I'm grateful for the messages he brings forth. I agree that we need to constantly go with the flow of positive ideas and loving thoughts.

Deb Wood says:

I have asked for the truth for a long time and a couple weeks ago saw movie Conversations with God and I haven't been the same since. I am changing the way I am looking at things especially relationships. Thank you God and Neale. MY life is changed forever.

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