Neale Donald Walsh : Conversations With God book 1

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Love Love says:

Would love to experience “God’s REAL REALM” stated at 7:15:57

Obed Roberts says:

Google: A Historical Account of the Conceptual Evolution of Satan in the Abrahamic Belief Traditions.
Google: From Diamon to Demon: The Evolution of the Demon from Antiquity to Early Christianity.
Google: Adam name etymology.
Google: The female egg chooses the male/ not the other way around.
Google: Why Moses did not write the Torah.
Google: 194 Bible contradictions.
Google: 17 -Quran contradictions.
Google: Edward Austrain. > Because passed down traditions can deceive > Just some human history we should have been taught between K1 and 12th grade.

asaus computer says:


Andrei A. says:


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