On Faith & Belief

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Eckhart discusses the difference between faith and belief. When authentic faith is established, it is possible to see the underlying truth in religious texts.


datre transcripts says:

Several years ago I sent a mail to Eckhart where I suggested the Datre transcripts, in case that was of any interest. In those transcripts Datre several times uses the expression "throw out the baby with the bathwater", in different transcripts and contexts.
Also, the headbanner on Eckharts youtube channel says "The world can only change from within." That sounds like something Datre would say, they would say something like "the change comes from the inside, not the outside".
Then of course these expressions could come from someone else, but I thought it was interesting to come across them again.

Inês Barros says:

he always kind of deviates from the question

Andreas V says:

He does not want to see Life of Brian? The movie has a great nihilistic view of Christianity. How we build meaning out of nothing, just like religion. I think I'm glad I saw this, reminds me that even Eckhart has an ego, a christian-leaning ego. It's not a bad thing, just an observation which motivates me to stop seeing him as the all knowing, and start looking for a truth beyond his form. Thank you Eckhart. I always have and I always will cherish your videos. Love

Dale C says:

A belief, is a tennis ball, and your faith is what keeps it in the air.

丁昆 says:


MrZabest says:

You should watch Life of Brian though. It mocks mob mentality and unsophisticated faith

XSter Halostorm says:

And Ekchart, I would be honored if you could write a comment on my video about magic. I look up to you in many ways, as I see you are very strong in thought processes and that you are trying to help others. You have helped me, when you where new to me you blew my mind. Now I look at things differently. A comment on my video about magic from you would make my day. 😉

XSter Halostorm says:

I listen for 5 minutes and let me just stop you there. As I Believe you make up more thought structure to make the philosophy of consiousness exiting for the self and others. I seriousley Think you should take a break. Have you ever witnessed a personal proof or miracle from higher Power Eckhart?

Kane ODriscoll says:

Reminds me of Yoda

marianne jordan labarca says:

I feel ECKHART like JEANINE said so thank you ECKHART for my peaceful life most important more awake

Workdove says:

I could never watch the 'Life of Brian' either.

as is says:

. great value
deeply hidden
is still there
All religions


that underlys them




Don Soley says:

This man is telling the truth and making it accessible to all. WOW.

Majeed Jiskani says:

[ I didn't believe in God at All ]
But I feel a Sense of perfection when I worship God….
A Thought arrives in my Mind that a person (God) whatever Who created everything ; Personally Loves me He Care what i do etc
So I moved from an athiest to a Religious Person…

Robert Mitchell says:

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the father… "I AM the way the truth and the life" repent of your sins pick up your cross and follow Jesus and you shall gain the christ…. "Let NO MAN decieve you by ANY means" … we walk by faith and not by sight… amen to all those that have yet to see yet believe… blessings to all the TRUE believers in Christ Jesus

Dan Jacob says:

Does Muhammad also exist in the collective human consciousness?

Will Grant says:

my volume will not work on YouTube feeds now; can anyone help me?

ca895221 says:

The Life of Brian? Yes, it's a parody and it's hillarious, but at the same time I don't feel it as disrespectful.

Kevin Brazda Photography says:

Notice he doesn't appear healthy or positive at all, it's as if he is struggling to convey concepts that are simple but in complex ways. It's the only way a new Ager can operate, through deception and rationality jargon stacked on top of what is truly just Atheism. God exists in his son Jesus. The Bible reveals this truth and our world is run by Satan, these truths are discerned through relationship with the Holy Spirit and constitute spiritual reality. Satan uses false religion and new age "gurus" to blur the truth of God as stupid and place a false sense of wisdom and truth on the false prophets of atheism and humanism. Behind this person is a belief system and a faith in his God which is Self. We were intentionally created. We are not the accident that this person needs to be an accident in order to absolve him from having to consider God as the ultimate authority on truth and not himself and his own "Self God".

Kevin Brazda Photography says:

The issue is that he is dead wrong.

D Pack says:

the nice thing about his ridiculous Life of Brian comment is that he shows that he is not perfect either, he has irrational fears and beliefs and attachments to  ' mental' constructs like the rest of us

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