Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle part 1)

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Part 1 of a question and answer session Between Oprah and Eckhart Tolle More videos like this @ http://the13thdoor.net

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J Kim says:

I wonder if those who haven’t suffered deeply can find the road to
awakening. In other words, contentedly living life. I didn’t seek until
great suffering. 

SeekTheTruth10006 . says:

*”Other minds are like an infectious disease; the closer you are to them,
the more they infect your mind. It starts with the closest, most
influential people around you, such as friends, family, and superiors at
work or school.” – from page 25 of “The Present” at TruthContest○Com*

NE Community Acupuncture says:

Embrace the Now.

slatedog1978 says:

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

Andy Rust says:

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

Jasun Adel says:
Gerald Fritts says:

The lines on my forehead are melting away a

Margot Larsen says:

We all have the chatterbox of the mind. We all have that eternal rock
inside that never dies. Being in the present and connecting with your inner
rock is meditation, it’s cleansing your mind of the chatter. There is a
difference between judging and observing. Using your ethical mind as to
whether or not to act on it is your choice. If I observe someone posting
another’s work as their own, I will speak up from my ethical values,
whether or not it is popular opinion. I have a great deal of respect for
Thich Nhat Hanh the Vietnamese monk who was thrown out of his own country
for disagreeing with the war. These ideas of the present moment,
meditation, acting on your ethical conscious are Buddist teachings recycled
into a version to where some people will understand. But please Oprah give
credit where it’s due…

Lez Cartwright says:

Thank you for the upload.
I first found Eckhart when researching ZEN in Wikipedia and go a link to
him through there.
Two books changed my life. The bible, and I’m not being pious or preaching,
it just gave me a platform of guidance when the only thing the world said
was ‘Do your own thing, whatever you want, there are no rules’ and when I
tried to be ‘Christian’ there were so many people queueing up to use that
to trip me up, even so called people who believe..rather amazing really.
They just loved to see me squirm trying to explain things,trying to live a
better life, because they could. So you can see the Chaos there. When I
read Eckards teachings and listened to his reasoning’s and way, or
presenting the philosophy, it really helped. It struck a chord and I
realised. I awakened.
I dont have anything ‘Spiritual’ to say or something ‘Clever’, If you dont
dismiss this, but just give it a chance you will realise the inner shift
presented here.
Best Wishes

Sally or Bill Kasper says:

Oprah is my inspiration, I always watch her shows since I got here in the
US. One of the most influential woman in the USA and I can feel like
talking to her in my dreams, career, life and leadership. 

Martin St-Germain says:

I like this “Soul Series”. Bravo! :)

Etel Rosenberg says:

Wow.. Love Oprah but her intro was almost 3 minutes.. ;)

Jamie Mac says:

She doesn’t get it…. maybe she needs to finish reading the book or books,
not just read the back cover and abstracts presented by her researchers.

Ben Arrowsmith says:

he has a look of a little boy who has been told by his Mummy not to eat any
sweets before dinner but a naughty little thought creeps in to his little
mind – “I’m going to eat one of my sweeties, and she’ll never know

Colette Fletcher says:

Thank you for sharing. Love and Light

Susanne Bogdanovic says:

Very uplfting positivity is always a good thing !

muradpal44 says:

what this man just discovered and experimented is a tradition practice in
Islamic sophism , and there is even more !

Peter Hart says:

face book

HumanQuasar says:

Wow this is how the mass population will gain access to understanding, a
huge illumination and chance for the start of the second wave of ascension,
this is so great

Paballo Seipei says:

The power of now is very amazing. I’m practising to live in the now and its
going quite well.

ufoimtc says:

Oprah is a New Age Witch Antichrist.

frizbeee says:

4 minutes until she lets him speak.

DD Vasseur says:
Yuriy Demenko says:

Very deep, i noticed this presence in me too only a few years ago, and im
26 now. It is quite hard to keep it awake without intentionally doing it
everyday. You just sort of forget about it, about your true self, or just
dont bother with going back into this state (but its not even a state is
it? its just true=natural=clean presence). I think i wont be wrong if i
say that there are many people that live through their entire lives not
even noticing it in them. What a shame. 

Ukulele Mike says:

Awesome interview with Eckhart Tolle on “The Power Of Now” by Oprah. This
is healing information folks. Love:
Oprah Winfrey´s Soul Series with Eckhart Tolle part 1)

jennifer Marah says:

So good always to hear Eckhart..Surrendering to what is, yes end of
suffering..I am getting there..

William Hadgikosti says:

I wish to thank both of you Oprah & Eckhart Tolle for this You tube tape.
It gave me a gift from both of you to have peace in my new way to live my

Izzy Jeter says:

Y should we call it all kinds of names like enlightenment or spiritual
If it’s the truth it simply is the truth

maunpery says:

thank you

Audrey Angelov says:

*The truth will never be appreciated. The truth is a taboo in today’s
society. Talking about the big questions of life makes people feel
unsettled down and uncomfortable, because **they do not actually know any
of the answers*

*If you are looking for serious answers and admit that **you do not know
much,** be sure you go to TruthContest◘Com and read “The Present”.*

Sharon Debrakeleer says:

thank you Eachart Tolle , I can live life where it is now, 

Ashatuku says:

These people can only ever say what we are not. Not one of them ever has an
answer about what we are. They always have some lame vague reason that the
mind cannot understand such things. Then why even bother talking about it?
Because it sells books and sells bum son seats at talks that’s why. Being
aware of ones thoughts is nothing new nor spiritual. It’s really not much
different to cognitive behaviour therapy. Ive been painfully aware of my
own incessant thoughts for a long time but it hasn’t made a hell of a lot
of difference in my life. Eckharte Tolle and his feel good pop spiritual
psychology is just a concept, another passing fad taken up by people
desperate for meaning in a world that doesn’t have one. You’re born you
breed you die the end.

Shireen Soltani says:

Love to Oprah

Onplezierig says:

It’s remarkable that he doesn’t ever need the word ‘uhm…’, nor does he
need a glass of water while speaking for hours.

Daniel Elbom says:

Salvation from a night will shine the brightest light. Love and despair
will make everyone fair. God blesses us all

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