Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations – Ram Dass- The Life of a Spiritual Teacher

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Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations – Ram Dass- The Life of a Spiritual Teacher

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Trevor Furness says:

I don't know about the psychedelics but I think Ram Dass gave up crochet quite early on in the 60s.

Allen Lunde says:

Oprah seems to imply that Ram Dass renounced psychedelics. He did not. I was at a talk where he said “LSD is like taking the elevator. Sometimes it’s healthier to take the stairs.” I never heard him denounce psychedelics and believe he used them throughout his life.

Shelton Love Sr. says:

The question is always asked, where is God? When the truth is where isn’t God.
Peace and Blessing to everyone.

Lastname First says:

What? I thought we would see this live

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