April 19, 2020: Day 2, Session 2 of the Ram Dass Virtual Retreat: Shifting Towards Love in an Uncertain World. This session begins with an archival Ram Dass talk, and is followed by Dharma guidance, [More]
Understanding the Spiritual Effects of a Solar Eclipse August 18, 2017 by Laurie Barraco themysticalmoon.blogspot.com This Article: http://themysticalmoon.blogspot.com/2017/08/understanding-spiritual-effects-of.html ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Subscribe to the Higher Self YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/HigherSelf1111 PayPal Donations Welcome. Click here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=BXEJ5KFMFJALW Support [More]
An eleven minute guided meditation to visualize connectivity and equanimity with all beings. (Recorded on September 26, 1975) Please click the following link for additional teachings on meditation: https://www.ramdass.org/meditation-and-expectations/
The Law of Attraction aka “The Secret” the most powerful law in the Universe. http://www.real-life-law-of-attraction.com/lingo.html
https://twitter.com/WealthNews http://worldwealthnews.blogspot.com Joe Vitale of The Secret teaches his 7-step formula on how to attract money fast using the Law of Attraction in his own national TV show If you had the money,… would you [More]
in this sample, David Hawkins Explains what is the role of each Spiritual Student while on this journey. Interested In this lecture please follow the link below. https://veritaspub.com/product/transcending-barriers-june-2005-lecture-4-1/ #DavidHawkins #Spirituality #Buddhism Dr. Hawkins begins this [More]