Speaking at a session organised by the Ananta Centre [http://www.anantaaspencentre.in/index.aspx], the Dalai Lama said “it is our collective responsibility to ensure a compassionate humanity.” The 79-year-old also said, “I have been a refugee for over [More]
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One of the best power packed and dense teaching of Dr Wayne Dyer teaching i have come across. Just this tape alone has the power to change your life upside down towards positive.
By:Wayne Dyer/No copyright infringement intended BEAUTIFUL – Please SHARE;) This Awakening film is enough to shake anyone from the monotonous busy life back to the stillness of the heart, which is where we originally started [More]
Dr. Deepak Chopra was the honored guest of the World Business Academy a talk and discussion of his pioneering work in consciousness, the links with the Academy’s pioneering work on safe energy production and the [More]
Quelle est la promesse cachée de cette crise ? (activez les sous-titres en français si nécessaire) Vidéo originale (en anglais) http://www.youtube.com/user/EckhartTeachings
A wizard exists in all of us. This wizard sees and knows everything. The wizard is beyond opposites of light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain. Everything the wizard sees has its roots [More]
On April 15th 2013, the Dalai Lama met scientists at the University of Lausanne. The afternoon session was dedicated to the topic of “dying”. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has talked with the panelists Francesco [More]