An updated guide to the method of Letting Go outlined in the works of David R. Hawkins! In this video I share the fundamentals of letting go, the biggest misconception that keeps most people from [More]
Sixth Sense – Stuart Wilde 60 second book review.
In this video, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers you 101 ways to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable, 101 ways to transform your life. ***”Inspiration” Audiobook by Wayne Dyer*** *** Wayne Dyer Ah [More]
The exiled leader of Tibetan Buddhism will be 89 years old on July 6. As he stays in New York recovering from recent knee surgery, the Tibetan community around the world will celebrate and honor [More]
The Wish Fulfilled — Neville Goddard reminds us that there is no limit to your creative power. When the feeling of the wish fulfilled is assumed and sustained, it must manifest in your reality. All [More]
La sagesse des Anciens, de Wayne Dyer. Audio 1, partie 1 : Méditation
Unpacking The Eternal Now. The Inscrutable Playground Of Impermanent Entities. *Recommended Reading for Further Exploration: You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters – #EternalNow #Timelessness #Impermanence #Self #Interconnectedness #Mindfulness [More]
Deepak Chopra How to create a new self