Breakout star of the movie The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale shares his story of being homeless, and hopeless…yet discovering gratitude with a simple pencil. This is a powerful episode as Dr. Vitale gives the secrets [More]
Ram Dass is an American psychologist and spiritual teacher who has studied and practiced meditation for many years. Here he shares his understanding and explores the many paths of meditation–from mantra, prayer, singing, visualizations, and [More]
For someone who has never met the Republican nominee, His Holiness sure does a good impression of His Hairfulness. Subscribe To “The Late Show” Channel HERE: For more content from “The Late Show with [More]
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The moest powerful information you will ever hear! Namaste!
When the Dalai Lama went to New York in June for knee surgery, his followers worried about his overall health and the future of Tibetan Buddhists without him. He told Reuters last week there was [More] Overview: Eckhart Tolle’s guidance in dropping irritation that may arise while waiting and practicing presence in these situations. Watch the video on our website by clicking here:
Dr. Wayne Dyer cought talking about Law Of Attraction very clear so you can get it Many people I know heared about law of attraction but never got it because of different reasons. Here is [More]
ich finde, dass die deutsche Sprache sehr wichtig ist.