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Living The Life You Want by Deepak Chopra – Deepak Chopra TV Make The Single, Most Powerful Shift Conscious Women Can Make to Get Unstuck & Leap Forward Into Their Destiny.UNLOCK YOUR FEMININE POWER with [More]
This remarkable dialogue between Deepak Chopra and cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman explores the fundamental nature of reality. Starting with the assumption that conscious experience is all we can know, Don Hoffman describes his program of [More]
SSRF has conducted various experiments with the use of biofeedback equipment to give people added perspective and understanding of the consequences of their various actions and decisions in daily life. The reason for these experiments [More]
A young girl searches for hope.
extrait du concert au Barouf Janvier 2012
Adana-Afrin’de, Mehmetçikten türkü (HD)Afrin’de, Mehmetçikten türküTürk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin Suriye’nin Afrin Bölgesi’ni PYD’li teröristlerden temizlemek için düzenlediği Zeytin Dalı Harekatı’na katılan Mehmetçiklerden birinin, arındırılan bölgede silah arkadaşlarına bağlama çalıp,… Adana-Afrin’de, Mehmetçikten türkü (HD) Afrin’de, Mehmetçikten türkü [More]
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