His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s message for Losar (Tibetan New Year) celebrated on February 10, 2024.
A family is the best thing you can have in life, their always there for you for better or for worse. A family is always there to get you out of strife, Even if it [More]
Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra on the connection of mind, body and spirit. (Original air date: July 12, 2012) Watch more of The Oprah Winfrey Show on the WatchOWN app: https://bit.ly/watchownapp #TheOprahWinfreyShow #OWN #OprahWinfreyNetwork About The [More]
You are not your mind, body or experiences of the world but the source from which they arise and subside.  #consciousness #neuroscience #philosophy #mindfulness #selfawareness #enlightenment #liberation #quantumphysics #spirituality #oneness #maya #illusion #reality #perception #beingpresent [More]
The Upanishads declare we are never born and yet reconcile this with the notion of reincarnation. What is the reasoning behind this?  #Upanishads #trueSelf #Atman #nonduality #impermanence #awareness #reincarnation #innerpeace #selfknowledge #timeless —– Deepak’s latest [More]
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