लंबे समय बाद #Tippani फिर से शुरू हो रहा है. अब यह थोड़ा बदले हुए अंदाज में हर हफ्ते आपके सामने होगा. इस बार की टिप्पणी हमारे टीवी चैनलों में छाए हुए कुछ बारामासी पतझड़ों [More]
Know that one thing by knowing which the universe is known. *Recommended Reading for Further Exploration: Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential – https://amzn.to/3TK0yvJ and You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It [More]
Wellness expert Deepak Chopra discusses the presidential election with Ari Melber and tells him that his body is telling him the truth all the time. When asked what his body is telling him now, he [More]
Sign up for our 10-Day Meditation Series with Ram Dass and Friends at https://www.onecommune.com/beherenow. Watch 100+ other courses from top wellness teachers by trying Commune free for 14 days: https://onecommune.com/youtube. Pause, Breathe, Be Here Now [More]
Ram Dass honors Aldous Huxley and his wife Laura and then explores his classic books “Brave New World” and “Island”. The talk is very much about the tension between community and individuality. This is part [More]
Our favorite orator brings us through the night starting with a bedtime story and ending with a morning meditation. Throw it on and let us know what yall think of this experiment. Let us find [More]
I dreamt of standing on a balcony, watching myself jump, and then… the walls are thin—you heard me recall: breath is a blessing. Indigo Hawkins http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/last-night-44/
Broken Branches Date: January 24,2011 I’ve tasted sweet o’hungry lips And felt thy warm embrace Though now blinded from my sight In dreams I know thy grace Whilst nevermore shall honey sweet Melt soft against [More]