Wayne Rooney wird gegen Manchester City nach einer Rotsperre wieder im Kader stehen. Manchester Uniteds Legende Bryan Robson weiß, wie wichtig der Stürmer für den Klub werden kann.
Hello, welcome to Disney Cars Toys Collector and surprise eggs.rrToday I unboxing Dancing Stuart. rr Stuart talk, sing and dance when you press his pocket or you talk to him. Sound activated, poseable arms, original [More]
Quand la vie de DJ Star vire au cauchemard !Version francaise Dans le monde de la nuit, Frankie Wilde est une legende. DJ surdoue, il declenche l’hysterie des fans a chacune de ses prestations. Mais [More]
I want to share with you some of my personal reflections on awareness over the years. Please let me know if you would like to hear more. #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #quantumreality #ultimatereality #awareness —– Follow along [More]
Joining forces with two leading scientists, New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a quantum leap for improving our physical and mental health. In an unprecedented collaboration between three of today’s most powerful minds, [More]