Read Book PDF Online Here : [PDF Download] Lao Tzu and Taoism. [Download] Online Download PDF E-Book Now
Fires, floods, wars and worse, if there is such a thing, it sure feels like the world is falling apart right now–which is exactly what I wanted to ask Neale Donald Walsch, the number one [More]
The suffering of the world is our suffering. There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. Can we do our part? #seva #sangha #simran #peaceistheway #conflictresolution
Try this experiment and let me know what you think. You are the invisible Divine Self appearing as the visible divine universe. #entanglement #quantumentanglement #quantumuniverse #quantumconsciousness #quantum —– Deepak’s new book, #QuantumBody is now available [More]
Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen: “Glück kommt selten allein” (Teil 2)
In this lecture, Ram Dass speaks about awareness, covering such topics as the ego, identity, the mechanics of mind, and the conclusions and paradoxes of metaphysics. Then, he leads us in a sitting and walking [More]
The universe doesn’t differentiate between a cent and a million dollars.” ———————— #lawofattraction #manifestmoney #stuartwilde