Does Classical Biology emerge from Quantum Biology? Mainstream science is behind on this and needs to catch up.  #quantumentanglement #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #wavefunction #quantumbiology #classicalbiology —– Follow along with #QuantumBody, now available at your favorite retailer or [More]
Hello, welcome to Disney Cars Toys Collector and surprise eggs.rrToday I unboxing Dancing Stuart. rr Stuart talk, sing and dance when you press his pocket or you talk to him. Sound activated, poseable arms, original [More] or call us at 855-819-6556. . Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson proudly extends all of their services to residents of Stuart, FL and the surrounding cities. If you are in or around Stuart, FL and [More]
Ram Dass explores the art of how to bring the past into the present as we age, leads a powerful exercise centered around the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and talks about working with grief. Want [More]
Tony Robbins Relationship Seminar
Tony Robbins – Day 1Need new shirts ?
In this video Dr. David Hawkins shares how Narcissism is fueled by pride, denial and secrecy. Self-love and selfishness continues when men continue to hide their destructive behavior. As their behavior is exposed, by some [More]