Bestselling author Dr Joe Vitale of the hit Law of Attraction movie The Secret explains the #1 Manifestation Habit. Law of Attraction tips from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Dr. Joe’s Online Courses: [More]
He’s one of the most well known spiritual leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries. The present Dalai Lama is the 14th in a long line stretching back to the 1300s. The word “Dalai” means [More]
Ram Dass interviewed on the BBC in 1981. Ram Dass talks about how we use techniques that free us from identifying ourselves as our thoughts. As we extricate ourselves from these attachments, it’s as if [More]
Ram Dass explores the art of how to bring the past into the present as we age, leads a powerful exercise centered around the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and talks about working with grief. Want [More]
The Dalai Lama visited Madison, WI May 2nd through the 4th of 2007. On the afternoon of May 4th, He offered this talk at the University of Wisconsin Kohl Center. This is part 1 of [More]
Deepak chopra – What Does Spirituality Have to Do with Physical Health ? Deepak Chopra, MD, is an internationally renowned pioneer in alternative medicine and healthcare. He says mind-body spirituality has potent holistic healing benefits [More]